Firefighter who was nine months pregnant saves driver in horror crash and then gives birth

Pictures show hero firefighter Megan Warfield assisting a driver trapped in an overturned car - just hours before she gave birth.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

A woman assisting another driver.

Megan Warfield, despite being pregnant, assisted the other driver. (Image: Bowleys Quarters Volunteer Fire Department/Facebook)

A firefighter who was nine months pregnant has been praised as her lifesaving instincts kicked in following a horror crash - 24 hours before she gave birth. Megan Warfield rushed to help a driver, whose car had overturned, carrying out .

Ms Warfield, described as a "true public servant", stepped in until emergency services arrived at the scene of the "significant" collision.

Less than 24 hours later, she gave birth to a baby girl, named Charlotte. 

The mum-of-one is a Baltimore County firefighter and a member of the Bowleys Quarters Volunteer Fire Department.

At the time of the crash, Ms Warfield was serving in an administrative capacity due to her pregnancy.

Bowleys Quarters said in a statement posted to Facebook: "Everyone, meet Megan, a true public servant."

It added: "Just a week or so shy of her due date, Megan had just finished organizing and hosting her late father's 2nd annual memorial golf tournament when she was involved in a significant motor vehicle collision.

A flipped over vehicle.

The serious crash didn't stop Ms Warfield helping others. (Image: Bowleys Quarters Volunteer Fire Department/Facebook)

"Ignoring any chance she could be injured, Megan immediately exited her mangled vehicle and began providing care to a person trapped by their overturned car.

"Megan stayed with this patient until Squad 213 arrived to free the victim.

"After all patients were evaluated, Megan agreed to an evaluation herself.

"Less then 24 hours later, Megan delivered her beautiful baby girl.

"Since no good deed should go unrecognized, we wanted to highlight Megan's heroic and selfless actions.

"Congratulations Momma Megan, job well done!"

The fire service is now raising money for "Charlotte's Station" which will be a childcare area inside of the actual fire station where the volunteer firefighters' children can go while they train or are on duty.

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The force added on its website: "Consistent with our longstanding mission of including family, the BQVFD will be constructing a mini fire station within our new facility built just for kids, but this is only possible if it is fully funded by our supporters.

"The children's centre will be known as 'Charlotte’s Station' in honour of Firefighter Megan Warfield who selflessly denied her own injuries and induced labour following a motor vehicle collision, to care for a motorist who was trapped in another automobile.

"Megan gave birth to healthy baby Charlotte less than 24 hours later."

The childcare area will be housed inside of a new station being built to replace the department's current 75-year-old building.

A childcare professional will be on site to take care of firefighters' children while they are on duty.

The department is currently attempting to raise $25,000 for the project through donations.

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