Property values plummet: How much is YOUR property worth? 

AVERAGE property values owned by 30-year-olds have sunk to less than £10,000 for the first time, while over 50s hold three quarters of UK housing wealth. Are you affected by this value drop?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Houses for let signsGETTY

The wealth gap between baby boomers and 30 somethings has increased significantly

A report by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has revealed that those in their early sixties own 17 times more in property assets than people in their early thirties.

The property wealth gap has increased significantly.

The ONS analysis showed that those aged 30 to 32 are, in terms of home ownership, three-times poorer than they were in 2006.

The ONS measured ‘net property wealth’ by looking at the homes people own and taking off the amount they owe in mortgages.

For 30-somethings this shrank from £29,000 on average between 2006 and 2008 to £10,000 by 2014 and 2016.

However those in their early sixties have on average £165,000 of property wealth, which is their highest in a decade.

The report also showed that those age 30 to 32 had the lowed median personal financial wealth at £750 compared to £17,500 for those double their age.

One positive the report did find was that real household disposable income was up one percent – which was the first increase in over two years.

However the way in which consumers view their finances has worsened.

Robin Fieth, Chief Executive of the Building Societies Association, said: “The truth is, we haven’t been building enough homes for decades.

"The Government said it was looking to build 300,000 properties a year.

“Yet, for 2016-2017, official figures show there were 217,350 net additions to the housing stock. It is nowhere near enough."

The proportion of households in Britain which own their own home has dropped from 70.6 percent to 62.2 percent.

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This coincides with the amount of those renting privately, with 4.7 million households renting their houses – a 10 percent increase from two million in 2000.

Robert Halfon, former skills minister and ex-deputy chairman of the Tory party urged Theresa May to take more action.

He said: “If we want to have a chance of winning a decent majority ever again, when people think of the Conservative party they need to think of housing.

“Every single sinew of the government should be absolutely devoted towards more house building, getting people on the property ladder and building more social housing.

“We need a housing revolution in our country.”

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