No justice for tragic teen beaten to death on bus as NO witnesses come forward

A TEENAGER who was beaten to a pulp by a gang of girls on a bus died before police had a chance to ask her what happened, meaning she may never have justice.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Mariam Mustafa in the hospital after the aggressionPA/SWNS

Mariam Moustafa was beaten by a gang of girls on a bus and died after slipping into a coma

No one came forward to tell police what they saw, despite the attack being witnessed by a number of people, including the bus driver.

Tragic 18-year-old Mariam Moustafa’s injuries were so severe she slipped into a coma the next day.

Her devastated father, Mohamed Moustafa, 50, said: “I don't understand why nobody rang the police.

“So many people witnessed the attack on my daughter, including the bus driver who called an ambulance for her, but nobody informed the police about it until I rang them the next day.

“It is very strange.” 

I don’t want this to happen to anybody else’s child

Mohamed Moustafa, Mariam's father

The gang followed Mariam onto the number 27 bus near Nottingham city centre and attacked her on the vehicle’s top deck, possibly because they thought she was another person.

They stopped only when the driver pulled over and confronted them.

The Egyptian student’s father, who didn’t witness the attack, said that the bus driver called an ambulance only when his daughter passed out and was deaf to the teen’s plea to cast her attackers off the bus.

He said: “The bus driver did go upstairs to stop what was happening but Mariam wanted him to throw the girls off the bus.

“I understand he would not do this because they had paid their fare. 

Mariam MoustafaPA

Mariam suffered from a pre-existing heart condition and had only half heart

“Later when she collapsed he rang the ambulance but still did not ring the police.

“Mariam told the ambulance that she had been punched, that she had a heart condition and was not well but they did not ring the police either.

“Nor did the hospital.

“They could have spoken to Mariam had they known, taken a statement because she could have told them what happened."

The 50-year-old added: “It was not until the next day that I rang them and the day after that they sent an officer round to speak to us.”

Mariam was discharged from Queen’s Medical Centre the same day the aggression happened despite suffering from a pre-existing heart condition and having only half heart. 

Nottingham, where Mariam's aggression took placeSWNS

Mariam was followed by the gang onto the number 27 bus near Nottingham city centre

The day after she slipped into a coma, and tragically died three weeks later, without ever gaining conscience again.

Mr Moustafa said: “I am sure the bus driver was doing what he was supposed to do but why couldn’t he call the police for them to come and arrest these girls.

“If they had been at the scene they could have spoken to Mariam.”

In a statement released last week, Nottingham City Transport praised the bus driver for stopping the aggression.

The statement also claims, contrary to what reported by Mr Moustafa, that the driver asked the gang to leave the vehicle.

Their statement said: “We would like to publicly recognise our driver, who went upstairs to intervene and acted as a barrier between the attackers and the young lady, after he asked them to leave the bus.” 

Mariam MoustafaPA

Mariam moved to Britain four years ago with her family

The Sun on Sunday understands that the girl gang did leave the bus before Mariam collapsed but of their own accord.

Police said they have arrested a 17-year-old on suspicion of assault occasioning bodily harm.

She was later released on conditional bail.

Further investigations are being conducted following an inclusive post-mortem.

Nottinghamshire forces have been criticised by Mr Moustafa’s family for failing to properly investigate an earlier attack in a park in August, allegedly by two members of the same gang, which left Mariam with a broken leg. 

Mariam Moustafa's father MohamedPA

Mariam tragically died three weeks after the aggression

Mr Moustafa has been living in Britain with his family for the last four years. 

He said: “I don’t want this to happen to anybody else’s child.

“And there is something very wrong when an attack is witnessed by crowds of people and nobody steps in to help or even rings the police."

Nottinghamshire Police confirmed they heard of the incident for the first time the day after it took place.

They arrested one 17-year-old on suspicion of assault occasioning actual bodily harm. She has been released on conditional bail.

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