Russian diplomats leave London with their families as Putin plots revenge

RUSSIA’S 23 diplomats suspected of being Vladimir Putin’s spies have been flown back to Moscow this morning following the expulsion order issued by Prime Minister Theresa May after the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Expelled Russian diplomats board plane at Stansted Airport

Tearful people were waving, hugging and saying their goodbyes to the diplomats carrying luggages, bags and pet carriers on a white coach parked inside the gated Kensington Palace Garden complex in London, close to the Russian embassy, just after 10am.

A procession of vehicles, including three cars, five people carriers and two mall-sized coaches escorted the group to London Stansted Airport in Essex, where the diplomats and their families boarded a Moscow-bound plane bearing a Russian white, blue and red flag.

The diplomats were issued with the order to leave the UK by Mrs May following the nerve agent attack in Salisbury, which took place on March 4 and sees Russia as the prime suspect.

Both Mr Skripal and his daughter remain in critical conditions. 

Mrs May’s measure against the diplomats has prompted Russia to retaliate expelling in turn 23 British diplomats, who are expected to leave the country in the coming days.

Britain’s National Security Council is meeting today to consider further measures against Moscow.

Ministers are also said to be looking at “new legislation to make it hard for those who wish to do damage to our country”.

Mrs May and European leaders will discuss the poisoning at the upcoming EU summit on Thursday. 

Russian diplomats leaving LondonEPA/REUTERS

Russian diplomats left London today following Theresa May's expulsion order

Russian diplomats leaving LondonAFP/GETTY

The diplomats were ordered to leave after the Salisbury attack which took place on March 4

Many EU leaders, including Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron, expressed solidarity with Britain after the attack and on Monday the EU demanded Russia to “address urgently” British questions over the Novichok nerve agent programme.

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini also condemned the attack as “absolutely unacceptable”.

Russia has firmly denied involvement, with Russian Foreign Ministry branding Britain’s accusations “speculative and baseless”.

Speaking ahead of talks with his EU counterparts in Brussels, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said: “This is a classic Russian strategy of trying to conceal the needle of truth in a haystack of lies and obfuscation. 

Theresa May announces expulsion of 23 Russian diplomats

Russian diplomats going on a bus to leave LondonAFP/GETTY

The bus left London just after 10am

“They're not fooling anybody anymore.

“There is scarcely a country around the table here in Brussels that has not been affected in recent years by some kind of malign or disruptive Russian behaviour.”

Authorities are still searching for clues around the Salisbury attack.

Investigators have said that it may take “months” to complete the inquiry.

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