GRAPHIC CONTENT: Boy given hideous head injury after being 'thrown into pole by bully'

A SEVEN-YEAR-OLD boy has been left with a terrible head wound after a school bully allegedly shoved him into a metal pole.

'Hideous' head injuries described as 'minor' by Telford school

Jak, from Shropshire, suffered a severe concussion and the wound swelled up to the size of a tennis ball after the horrific incident.

His mum, Laney, said that he was rushed to hospital after the lump doubled in size and turned bright red.

She has launched a Facebook page in a bid to to gain justice for him after she alleged that his school in Telford and West Mercia police have refused to help.

Jak and mum LaneyFacebook

Jak and mum Laney are distraught that he was allegedly bullied and injured

Jak Facebook

Jak suffered a severe concussion and the wound swelled up to the size of a tennis ball

His mum said that the hospital sent Jak home with antibiotics to clear up the infection that he’d caught from the wound.

He even tried to put the incident behind him by celebrating his seventh birthday the next day but he was overcome with pain from the head injury.

Jak was so distraught that he ended up hiding in the toilet at his own birthday party.

Jak's headFacebook

Jak has struggled to get better and has endured severe headaches from the wound

He waited until his friends went home because he was clearly embarrassed about the attack by the bully who had launched a campaign of harassment against him.

The little boy had to endure the pain of a lump that was full of blood. It then turned into a sore that oozed pus.

His worried mum took him back to hospital where he underwent an operation. He has since had surgery to drain the infection from his head.

Jak's wounded headFacebook

Jak's wound was full of blood and later oozed puss

His mum told The Mirror that he will still need more treatment and he is still in “so much pain.”

She was also devastated that her son had endured such horrific physical abuse at the hands of a bully.

She alleges that the bully had previously jumped on Jak's head and cut his nose open with a tennis racket a few weeks ago.


Jak is trying to stage a recovery after he was bullied at school

The bully was also said to have whipped Jak with a skipping rope, stabbed him with paper clips and scratched his legs.

His mum has contacted the police to complain about the incident but they were not able to hep because both Jak and the bully are aged under 10.

A spokesperson for West Mercia police said that it was aware of the incident and was working with the family and mother to establish what happened.

She alleges that his school has not done anything to help stop the bullying despite repeated calls from her to do so.

The school could not be reached for comment.

Her Facebook page is called ‘Justice for Jak’ and aims to highlight his injuries.

One commenter wrote: "My heart goes out to Jak and his family and I hope he has a speedy recovery with no lasting damage."

Bullying caught on tape

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