Theresa May and Nicola Sturgeon to clash in SHOWDOWN during PM's 'Brexit tour'

THERESA May will embark on a 'Brexit tour' around the UK to keep the union together before she triggers Article 50 at the end of this month.

Theresa May to visit Wales after IFG Brexit warning

The Prime Minister will hold talks with all of the devolved nations, including Wales, to sell the opportunities Brexit can generate.

But critics suggest that she faces an uphill battle.

Ms May began her tour yesterday visiting Wales with Brexit secretary Davd Davis, and Alan Cains, Welsh secretary.

Theresa MayGetty

Theresa May will embark on a Brexit tour to sell the benefits of leaving the EU

Her visit to Swansea comes as it signs a £1.3 billion deal to build research centres and a new "digital district" in the Bay area.

However, she may have underestimated the difficult time she'll have to try and keep the UK together.

Last week, Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland's First Minister, launched a bid for a second independence referendum.

Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland's First MinisterGetty

Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland's First Minister launched a bid for a second independence referendum

Ms Sturgeon pressed ahead with her plans for a referendum, despite formal negotiations over Brexit not being finished.

The Scottish Nationalist Party has accused Ms May of being tone deaf on their suggestons of concessions to Brexit.

Ms Sturgeon said that this was one of the key reasons that she had sought out Section 30 in order to organise the referendum vote.

Brexit secretary Davd Davis,Getty

Brexit secretary Davd Davis, will travel to Wales today with Ms May

And, Ms May's agenda came under fire again from the Liberal Democrat leader who branded her "nationalistic "while he was speaking to the party faithful at the spring conference in York on Sunday.

He said Ms May was a part of the "new world order" and likened her "aggressive and nationalistic" tactics to that of Russian president Vladimir Putin, France's Marine Le Pen and US president Donald Trump.

Mr Farron said: “The politics of Trump, of Putin, of Le Pen. And now the politics of her majesty’s government. Welcome to the new world order. This is the new normal, the new status quo. Aggressive, nationalistic, anti-Nato, anti-EU.”

Brexit has deeply divided the nation after Wales and England voted in favour of leaving the EU and Scotland and Northern Ireland opted to remain.

Despite this, the Prime Minister said yesterday: "I want every part of the United Kingdom to be able to make the most of the opportunities ahead and for Welsh businesses to benefit from the freest possible trade as part of a global trading nation."

She added: "From my first day on the steps of Downing street, I made clear my determination to strengthen and sustain the precious Union.

"I have also been clear that as we leave the European Union, I will work to deliver a deal that works for the whole of the UK."

Sturgeon: Brexit heading for the rocks because of Theresa May

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