Nicola Sturgeon faces major revolt over referendum number two from Scottish PENSIONERS

NICOLA Sturgeon’s hopes for a yes vote in a second independence referendum have been shot down by plucky Scottish pensioners who would vote no again, according to a poll.

Nicola Sturgeon and over 60sGetty

Sturgeon’s hopes for a second independence referendum would receive little support from voters over

Scottish pensioners, aged 60 and up, are overwhelmingly against a yes vote in another referendum, a poll for The Sunday Post revealed.

At least 70 percent of the voters polled revealed that they would not back the Union.

It will come as a blow for Ms Sturgeon who has pinned her hopes on a second chance.

According to The Sunday Post,  just 30 per cent of the pensioner's polled would opt for independence.

The snap poll presents the campaign with a huge problem, as there are 1.2 million pensioners in the country - forming a large voting bloc.

However, Ms Sturgeon is pressing ahead with her plans.

Nicola SturgeonGetty

At least 70 percent of elderly voters revealed that they would not back the Union

She announced that a second referendum vote was highly likely if the move to trigger Brexit gets underway without taking on board Scottish concessions.

If she does trigger a second referendum, the pensioners fear that it could cost them dearly.

It's thought that the pensioners are concerned with their nest eggs losing value if they split from the UK.

Scottish Labour deputy leader Alex Rowley said: “This poll demonstrates that pensioners are rightly worried about the impact of independence and they clearly have no appetite for a second independence referendum.

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Theresa May is set to trigger Article 50 very soon

“Pensioners rely on local public services such as social care, which are under massive pressure at the moment due to SNP cuts, but would be even more at risk under the austerity that would follow independence.

“The economic case for independence does not stack up and would lead to turbo-charged austerity – further threatening the services that so many older people rely upon”

Meanwhile, when the poll asked when participants thought that Scotland would become an independent country, 46 per cent replied “never.”

Others said some time in the future.

In 2014, the country's referendum on independence, saw 45 per cent of people back independence and 55 per cent back the Union. 

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