Woman kidnapped and grabbed by three men in shock robbery attempt

A WOMAN was grabbed by three men who got out of a van and stifled her screams before taking her to a pub where she worked to force her to hand over cash.

Robbers force ABDUCTED bar worker to hand over cash

The female bar worker had her face covered with a cloth as she was thrown into the back of a white transit van. 

After walking down the road near to the Old Boathouse Pub in Astley, in Greater Manchester, the 42-year-old woman was targeted by the men around midnight. 

The woman was picked up and driven back to the pub which she worked at on Higher Green Land at around 12.30am on September 19. 

Footage shows two of the men dragging the woman inside the pub with one covering her face to hide her screams as she was escorted to the doors. 

Manchester woman robbedGMP

The woman was forced inside the building by the men as they covered her mouth to stop her screams

The men demanded cash from the woman once they got her inside the building. 

Next the woman was brutally punched in the face twice in a struggle with the men, as they made threats that she would be thrown into a nearby canal. 

The woman continued to struggle with the men before they drove off in an unknown direction after the terrifying ordeal. 

Police found the white transit van used in the incident burnt out about 10 minutes away from where the robbery and abduction took place. 

An appeal has been launched along with the CCTV footage in a hope to catch the three men that were involved in the robbery and abduction.

Manchester woman robbedGMP

The woman was pulled out of the van and forced into the pub where the men demanded money

Manchester woman robbedGMP

One of the men caught on camera in the bar as the crime was taking place

Detective Constable Jessica Samouelle, of GMP’s Wigan Borough, said: “This was a violent and terrifying ordeal for the woman which left her utterly traumatised.

“She suffered physical and emotional harm as a result of this prolonged incident and we are determined to secure justice for her.

“We are continuing our investigation and I am appealing to anyone who recognises the men in the CCTV footage to please get in touch.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact police on 101 and quote the reference number 55 of 19/09/16, or the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

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