Asian councillor 'played race card to call Muslim community centre opponents Islamophobic'

A TORY Councillor has been accused of "playing the race card" after he implied a pensioner was "Islamophobic" for opposing the construction of a massive Muslim community centre on green belt land.


Cllr Butt is being probed by local officials over the remarks

Councillor Dylan Butt, 57, suggested that his constituent was being “Islamophobic” after he received an email from him asking how he could oppose the new building.

More than 1,500 locals have signed a petition opposing the 21,000 sq ft Islamic centre, in Greater Manchester, amid fears it would cause excess traffic and damage the green belt.

But when Maurice Rushby, 67, wrote to ask how to lodge a formal complaint, his request was shot down.

Mr Rushby wrote to the Trafford councillor saying: "There have been numerous rumours regarding the development of a large Mosque.


1,500 locals have signed a petition against the site over fears it will cause traffic issues

“Initially I had assumed this to be a 'wind-up' but now I have been handed a copy of an Islamic document.

"It sounds as if discussions have been going on for some time. Are you aware of those proposed development and what do we need to do to oppose it?"

But Cllr Butt hit back in an email, described by Mr Rushby as being “a clumsy attempt to fire a warning shot across the bows”.

Mr Butt allegedly told Mr Rushby: "I speak for my colleagues when I say we are democratically elected to consider the interests and well-being of all sections of the community.

"There is a significant sized Muslim community within the area which has expressed a genuine need for relocating from their existing centre to another nearby, larger site.


The proposed green belt site

"We cannot start jumping up and down as soon as some individuals contact us to oppose anything regarded as a wind-up as you put it.

“This would be considered as tantamount to Islamophobia if it is not argued on planning guidelines. You or indeed I as a local councillor would not wish to be accused of such attitudes."

Cllr Butt is now being probed by party officials over the exchange and claims he did not comply with Trafford Council’s code of conduct.

Jane Le Fevre, Director of Legal and Democratic Services at Trafford Council, said: "The councillor has five working days to make written representations to me and which must be taken into account when deciding how the complaint should be dealt with."

Meanwhile Mr Rushby, a retired chemical engineer, was mortified by his councillor implying his opposition was based on race.


The Councillor for Trafford was accused of 'playing the race card'

Mr Rushby said: "I am deeply upset and offended by even the suggestion that my actions maybe racially motivated.

"His mention of the word 'Islamophobia' is totally irrelevant and unnecessary.

"If Mr Butt was to disagree with a point I made I would never suggest he was being 'Christianohobic.'

"The fact is I am opposed to any development on green belt land and will continue to argue my case. It was not me who introduced the word Islamophobia. He did.

"His actions are both improper and tantamount to bullying. I have to be so careful in all walks of life to be PC especially when dealing with Islamic matters.

"And yet I get the impression Mr Butt believes by hiding behind what he sees as his race card, he has the right to say whatever he chooses."

TV interview on Islamophobia interrupted by Islamophobic man

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