'The EU is a COMPLETE MESS' IDS tears into Brussels and dismisses fears of Brexit delay

IAIN DUNCAN SMITH has blasted the current state of the EU – and labelled the idea Brexit will not happen as a "ridiculous pipe dream".

IDS: The EU is a complete mess

The former cabinet minister has hinted the UK could activate Article 50 before Christmas – despite Theresa May repeatedly saying otherwise.

Mr Duncan Smith, who resigned from David Cameron’s cabinet before playing a key role in the Brexit campaign, also said the EU was plagued by problems and member states are eager to have a good relationship with post-Brexit Britain.

He told Pienaar's Politics on BBC Radio 5 Live he expects Mrs May to begin the two-year process of negotiating the UK's withdrawal by invoking Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty "if not before Christmas, fairly soon afterwards".

Mrs May has made clear she does not intend to trigger Article 50 before the end of 2016, with legal challenges over Brexit also set to be heard by the High Court in October.

Iain Duncan SmithGETTY

Iain Duncan Smith issued a stark warning over the state of the EU

Brexit: Experts discuss justice vs activating Article 50 now

Mr Duncan Smith said: "The truth is we're leaving, the British people voted for this and as a democrat you have to stand by what they voted.

"As Theresa May made clear from the cabinet meeting the other day... the migration process is about taking control of your borders, control of your laws which allows you to set your overseas treaties.

"So that process will now engage and I'd expect Article 50, as our international legal obligation, to be invoked fairly soon – I'd think if not before Christmas, fairly soon afterwards - and that process then begins."

Mr Duncan Smith, who led the Conservative’s between 2001 and 2003, also issued a stinging critique of the EU – describing it as a “complete mess”.

He said: “You only have to look across at Italy. The banks are basically insolvent. Greece is heading for another crisis in terms of its borrowing and its finances.


Mr Duncan Smith was one of the leading campaigners of Vote Leave


Mr Duncan Smith resigned from David Cameron's cabinet over welfare cuts

The truth is we're leaving, the British people voted for this and as a democrat you have to stand by what they voted

Iain Duncan Smith

“Most of the European Union is riddled with high levels of youth unemployment, really appalling.”

Italy’s banking system is struggling badly, due largely to non-performing loans which are estimated at a total of £350billion, according to figures cited by CNBC.

Greece is struggling to bring down an unemployment rate of nearly 24 per cent and there are concerns another EU bailout may be required to aid one of the eurozone’s weakest economies.

Mr Duncan Smith went on to say that German friends of his had expressed grave concerns about the EU and its current direction.

The former work and pensions secretary also backed keeping the target to reduce net migration to the tens of thousands per year.

Mr Duncan Smith said: "I'm with Theresa on this, I'm completely with Theresa on this.

"Our present immigration system is that we have the front door shut and the back door basically wide open and that's why you simply can't control migration properly."

He added: "I think it is wholly possible to both have a target and do it through the idea of a proper, controlled work permit system."

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