'We are listening to the people' May vows Britain will remain 'bold and outward-looking'

THERESA MAY has ruled out any second vote on the EU referendum and vowed Britain will continue to be a "bold, outward-looking country”.

'Brexit is about listening to the British people' - May

The prime minister, in her first major interview since taking office, has said her once Britain leaves the EU.

Speaking to the BBC’s Andrew Marr show before heading to China for the G20 summit, Mrs May was asked to define her often-said slogan “Brexit means Brexit”.

She told Marr: “It is about coming out of the European Union. It is about listening to the British people.

“We [the Conservatives] are the only party now that are actually prepared to accept the vote that people gave.

“We have listened to people and we will now make a success out of that.

Andrew Marr and Theresa MayBBC•PA

Andrew Marr conducted Theresa May's first major interview as PM

It is about coming out of the European Union. It is about listening to the British people

Theresa May

“Obviously there is going to be a period of negotiation.

“What I am very clear about… is that this is not about the UK suddenly wanting to be inward looking.

“We will continue to be a bold, outward-looking country.”

Owen Smith, a challenger for the Labour leadership, is one of many prominent politicians to call for a second referendum before Britain exits the EU.

Mrs May, speaking in her Maidenhead constituency, also promised controls on freedom movement would be imposed in any exit deal with Brussels.

She said: “What the vote, what leaving the European Union does enable us to do is, yes, to say what I think the British people are very clear about, which is that they don't want free movement to continue in the way that it has done in the past.

"They do want to see controls of movement of people coming in from the European Union. Now, obviously we're looking at what - what those options are, what that might be.

Theresa May at the G20EPA

Theresa May met with world leaders at her first G20 summit

Theresa May and Barack ObamaPA

Mrs May and Barack Obama gave a joint press conference at the G20

"But people also want to see the job opportunities, to see the economic opportunities, and so getting a good deal in trading goods and services is also obviously important for us.”

The former Home Secretary slapped down repeated threats from Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP of a second independence referendum.

“I think if you look at some of the results that are now coming out of polling in Scotland, they suggest that the Scottish people don't want there to be a second referendum,” she said.

Speaking overnight from the G20 summit in Hangzhou, Barack Obama praised the UK as a key world partner despite previous warnings Brexit would send Britain to the “back of the queue” in terms of trade.

The US President said: "Even as the UK pursues an orderly exit from the EU, together we reaffirm the very special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom.

"It will not simply endure, but it will continue to grow stronger with time.

"The vibrant economic partnership between our countries will continue, as the UK gains further clarity on its new relationship with the EU."

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