'We didn't know what he was up to' Blair skewered by former Cabinet member over Iraq

A MEMBER of Tony Blair's cabinet has issued a damning statement against his actions over the Iraq War in the wake of the Chilcot report.

Clare Short on Chilcot

Clare Short, who resigned as Secretary for International Development over the war, said Mr Blair had betrayed promises and that his habit of discussing critical issues outside of cabinet led to a sense of confusion and secrecy.

The Chilcot report has stated Mr Blair took Britain into war before all diplomatic options had been exhausted.

Speaking to BBC News, Ms Short said: "It has been commented before 'Sofa Government'.


Clare Short resigned over Tony Blair's decision to go to war in Iraq

He didn’t even decided things at the cabinet [meeting] he had a few people in his room with no minutes taken

Clare Short

"He didn’t even decide things at the cabinet [meeting] he had a few people in his room with no minutes taken.

"Normally how Whitehall works is if the Prime Minister talks to another country a note is taken and that note is circulated.

"As we went into Iraq everything froze up. We didn’t see anything. We didn’t know what he was up to."

Ms Short argued this secrecy made the post-war planning process far more difficult as they were unsure about the Prime Minister’s intentions and exit strategy.


On , she said: "It is a damning indictment of the British system of government.

"The informality of it means this kind of thing can be done. 

"One of the things that must be learned is to tighten up the process for decision-making if there is ever to be another war."

Bereaved families of soldiers , who has made millions since leaving office, the "world’s worst terrorist".

Sarah O’Connor – who lost her brother in the conflict – said: "There is one terrorist in this world that the world needs to be aware of, and his name is Tony Blair, the world’s worst terrorist."

"Why is he not here. He thinks he’s the puppet master pulling the strings.”

Roger Bacon, whose son Major Matthew Bacon died when a roadside bomb exploded, said: "Never again must so many mistakes be allowed to sacrifice British lives and lead to the destruction of a country for no positive end.

"We were proud when our husbands, sons and daughters signed up to serve our country. But we cannot be proud of the way our government has treated them."

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