Green Party leader: Free movement of people in EU 'enriches all of our lives'

THE LEADER of the Green Party has said free movement of people across the EU "enriches all of our lives" and that Brits should vote to Remain on Thursday.

Natalie Bennett: Freedom of movement enriches all of our lives

Natalie Bennett, who will stand down as party leader this year, dismissed the Leave campaign's claim that immigrants negatively affect the British economy.

The Australian-born politician argued European laws work well for Britain and said what the UK required was a change of politics.

Speaking to talkRADIO she said: "We believe we need to work together, jointly on the problems we face.

"Things like workers right. We need to set standards right across Europe, things like air pollution, water pollution.

Natalie Bennett and the British borderGETTY

Natalie Bennett is a firm advocate of remaining in the EU

"We celebrate free movement of people in the EU, we think that enriches all of our lives.

"We have these standards that are being set by the EU. All of these are collective democratic agreements across Europe that we should meet standards, and they’ve improved the lives of people in Britain."

She continued: "What we need to do is not change the system, not get out of Europe.

"What we need to do is change our politics.

"Elect the kind of politics that says we have to live within our environmental limits, while ensuring that no one has to worry about putting food on the table and keeping a roof over their heads."

Standing for the common good - Natalie Bennett at Spring Party Conference 2015

What we need to do is not change the system, not get out of Europ

Natalie Bennett

Ms Bennett, an ardent 'Remainer' has previously spoken about how she believes the EU is actually .

with less than 48 hours until Britain goes to the polls.

An ORB poll for the Daily Telegraph found support for Remain at 53 per cent, up 5 per cent from a previous survey, with support for Leave on 46 per cent, down three points.

Lynton Crosby, a political strategist who advised the Conservative Party at the general election last year, said: "All the signs of ORB’s latest and final poll point to a referendum that will truly come down to the wire.

He added the "Leave" camp had "failed to quash the almost ubiquitous perception that it is the riskier of the two options".

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