'I was called a Nazi and attacked' Brexit campaigner tells LBC of abuse while leafleting

A LONDONER campaigning for Britain to Leave the EU has claimed he was called a "Nazi," physically attacked and threatened while out leafleting.

Brexit campaigner claims he was attacked and called a Nazi

The man, known only as Robert, said he and a friend were out campaigning in Brixton, south London, when they were repeatedly called racists.

Speaking to Ian Collins on LBC he said: "Yesterday, I was called racist all day.

"I was called a Nazi. My friend had his foot stamped on… it was scary.

"We had our stall kicked, punched, we had leaflets taken from the table, someone tried to knock the table over."

Robert, who said he was from nearby Dulwich, continued: "The weird thing is, I’m half Caribbean and my friend is Jamaican.

"All these people over the course of the day, every single person who called us racist or a Nazi – and there were many – were all white, middle-class people."

He continued: "Someone threatened to stab me – because I was handing out leaflets outside Brixton tube.

"One guy just stood a foot next to me and every time I went to hand out a leaflet, he said 'He's a racist'.

Ian Collins and a Vote Leave campaignerLBC•GETTY

A Brexit campaigner said he and his friend were called Nazis while out campaigning

I was called a Nazi. My friend had his foot stamped on… it was scary

Brexit campaigner Robert

"It was bizarre."

With less than 48 hours until polls open in the EU referendum, tensions between rival campaigns are running high.

Nigel Farage and Ukip continue to be criticised over a poster which critics have called racist and xenophobic.

The poster, unveiled last Thursday, walking in the countryside with the slogan "Breaking Point" emblazoned across the picture.

Both Leave and Remain supporters, including , have criticised the poster and its message.

Mr Farage has defended it, and said he himself has been a victim of hate.

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