Remain MP grilled by voter who 'just doesn't understand' why EU wants to keep expanding

THIS is the moment Remain MP Chuka Umunna is put on the spot by an angry voter who believes the EU insists on "taking over other countries".

Chuka Umunna grilled over the EU

Mr Umunna, MP for Streatham, was grilled over the EU's alleged expansionist agenda as he made the case for Remain with just days left in the campaign.

The Labour politician and former shadow cabinet member was speaking on the Nick Ferrari show on LBC when he was taken to task over the EU.

Harry, from the Wirral, asked: "I can’t understand why Europe insists on taking over other countries to create a huge power bloc.

"I just don’t understand it."


Chuka Umunna and the EU flagLBC•GETTY

Chuka Umunna said he did not agree with the idea of the EU taking over countries

He continued: "It keeps extending and taking over former Soviet bloc countries and has its eyes on Turkey eventually.

"Why on earth does it want to keep expanding?"

Harry all questioned the wisdom of "squaring up" to Vladimir Putin and Russia, citing the clashes over Ukraine as an example.

In reply, Mr Umunna said: "The EU does not seek to take over these countries no more than it seeks to take over the UK.

"What the EU is an association of countries where we chose to pool sovereignty so we can achieve more together than we can alone."

He added: "I don’t agree with this idea that by being part of the EU you are taken over by it."

Mr Umunna also added his voice to those condemning Nigel Farage and Ukip over their campaign poster using a group of

Vladimir PutinGETTY

The caller claimed the EU was on a collision course with Russia

don’t agree with this idea that by being part of the EU you are taken over by it

Chuka Umunna

On Monday, .

A row has developed over whether Baroness Warsi was ever actually supporting Brexit or not, but Mr Umunna insists she was.

He said: "For her, the poster that was unveiled by Ukip stepped over the line last week.

"I didn’t hear all of your exchanges with Nigel Farage about this in the previous half and hour, but he seems to have suggester that had it not been for the absolutely appalling and tragic death of Jo Cox there wouldn’t be the row about the poster that there was.

"I can assure you that sometimes before the news broke, people were condemning it. I condemned it.

"It was a vile and disgusting poster… it would have been condemned."

Mr  of trying to take advantage of the death of Labour MP Jo Cox.

Mr Farage said: "What we're seeing here is the Prime Minister and Remain campaign trying to conflate the actions of one crazed individual with the motives of half of Britain who think we should get back control of our borders and do it sensibly.

"And I think that's quite wrong the way it's being done.

"As for the poster itself it's not wrong, in fact Mr Cameron, it's a photograph.

"It's a photograph that appeared on the front page of almost every national newspaper last year for day after day.

"And if you read the slogan it says 'the EU has failed us all'."


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