'This project is DOOMED' Farage predicts Brexit win – but says EU is FINISHED either way

THE EUROPEAN Union is doomed whether Britain votes to leave it or not, Nigel Farage has said.

Nigel Farage: The EU is doomed

The referendum campaign on Britain’s membership has entered its final days, with polls showing the Leave and Remain camps are still very close – with Remain just edging ahead over the weekend.

Speaking to the Today Programme on BBC Radio 4, the Ukip leader also repeated his claims that no post-Brexit trade deal with the EU is better than the one Britain currently has.

"If this proposition gets rejected, we will not be the first country to leave the EU, the Danes or the Swedes or the Dutch will beat us to it," he told Nick Robinson.

"Believe me, this project is doomed."

Nigel Farage and anti EU riots in GreeceGETTY

Nigel Farage believes the EU is doomed – citing its failures and unpopularity in Greece (left)

Believe me, this project is doomed

Nigel Farage

He continued: "The migrant crisis has divided the north. The euro has ruined the south.

"I still think we are going to win because I think those that want to leave have made their minds up and believe in it."

Mr Farage also dismissed those who claim the EU is a free trade area, instead describing it as an "outdated customs union, dominated by big businesses to the extent that it’s virtually a cartel".

He was grilled over a which both Remain campaigners and Mr Farage’s fellow Brexiteers have been critical of.

The poster shows a number of non-white migrants walking through the countryside with the slogan "Breaking Point".

Mr Farage once again defended the poster but admitted it was "unfortunate timing" that it was released "hours" before Jo Cox was killed in her West Yorkshire constituency.

"The EU is failing us all, that is the slogan," Mr Farage said.

"Why would we wish to be a member of a union where in the north Merkel’s policy is leading to political dislocation, where fences are going up everywhere and in the south – where the eurozone crisis will come back in July, with Greece looking for a third bailout.

"Why would we want to be part of this failing club?

"There has been too little debate about what the European Union has become."

On Sunday Leave campaigner while .

George Osborne described it as having echoes of propaganda from the era of the Nazis.

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