ONE VOICE FOR BREXIT: EU out groups merge into super group - let the battle begin

A CROSS-PARTY supergroup made up of top businessmen and politicians will join forces to spearhead calls for Britain to leave the EU.

David Cameron, Nigel Farage and Arron BanksGETTY

Nigel Farage (top left) and Arron Banks (bottom right) are pushing for a Brexit

The new umbrella group, which will be unveiled this week, will give campaigners for a UK exit a unified voice for the first time.

After a week of bitter infighting between the rival campaigns, the groups will put their differences aside to pursue the “once in a lifetime opportunity” that the referendum brings. 

It comes as an online poll for showed 92 per cent of respondents would choose to leave the EU if a vote took place today.

Last night Ukip leader Nigel Farage ignited the referendum campaign with a Churchillian rallying cry to win back Britain and control over its borders. Writing exclusively for the Sunday Express, he said: “The logical, practical and safe thing to do is to cut ties with a failing political union and take back control of our lives.

“All it needs to defeat the big banks, the vested interest of the big businesses and our craven politicians is for you to believe in Britain and vote to leave this European Union.” 

The new group will see around 15 Eurosceptic groups merge with the Grassroots Out organisation. 

A new single board will be created to sit above the supergroup, with directors appointed from each of the political parties, who will be able to nominate their preferred representative. 

The group is being formed with the intention of becoming the official out campaign.

Arron Banks and Nigel FarageGETTY

Arron Banks switched allegiances to UKIP in 2014, donating £1million in the process

No one is convinced that he has got any kind of deal

Arron Banks, Leave.EU

It is expected to make a formal application to the Electoral Commission to become the designated lead campaign within weeks. 

An agreement is thought to have been reached about merging the rival groups following a successful Grassroots Out rally in Manchester on Friday night, which was addressed by former shadow home secretary David Davis. 

It was only the second major gathering of the GO group, whose founding members include Conservative MPs Peter Bone, Tom Pursglove and Philip Hollobone, Labour MP Kate Hoey, DUP MP Sammy Wilson and Mr Farage. 

Last night millionaire businessman Arron Banks, who founded Leave.EU and funds the Grassroots Out campaign, said: “David Cameron is going around Europe with his begging bowl out and they’ve made it clear what they think of his demands. It’s pointless and insulting to the country. 

“No one is convinced that he has got any kind of deal, let alone one that will change anyone’s mind or be what’s best for Britain. It’s time to stop pretending. 

“The polls show there’s a huge number of people who want to leave the EU.

The Grassroots Out campaignGETTY

The Grassroots Out organisation will be one of around 15 Eurosceptic groups involved

“This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. We can’t afford to let it slip through our fingers. Now is a time for unity, not for egos and infighting. We need to speak in one voice, the voice of the people and the voice that is best for Britain.”

Leave.Eu and rival group Vote Leave, which is run by Matthew Elliott and Dominic Cummings, have both been fighting for designation from the Electoral Commission. 

The lead campaign, which is expected to be cross-party, will be allowed to spend up to £7million and will be guaranteed airtime on television and radio. Vote Leave suffered a setback last week in its campaign to win designation when it was hit by two high-profile resignations.


The EU referendum is due to take place on June 23

Ms Hoey, who is a former sports minister, stood down from the group, while Baroness Jones, the Green Party peer, also said she was withdrawing support because the group lacked “judgment”. The group also came under fire from Mr Banks, who took advantage of the crisis to suggest that Vote Leave supporters should jump ship and support the Grassroots Out campaign. 

The insurance tycoon also sparked controversy by appearing to suggest in a newspaper interview that Ukip could be a spent force, which has been interpreted by some as an attack on Mr Farage. But last night the Ukip leader said the pair were still friends and “nothing had changed”. 

Mr Farage said: “Mr Banks says what he thinks. He called and we spoke this morning. Nothing has changed.”

EU Referendum: What we know

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