Useless burglar too FAT for vicarage break-in is jailed for 2 years

A BUNGLING burglar’s plan to rob a vicarage went disastrously wrong... because he was too fat.

Mark Coates and St Phillip's ChurchROSS PARRY

Chubby Mark Coates was caught after becoming wedged in a hole he had made to break into a vicarage

Mark Coates, 39, made a hole in the property’s garage door in the early hours. 

But he could not fit through it and his “bumping and banging” as he struggled to lever himself in woke the Reverend Richard Long. 

After Rev Long, vicar of St Philip’s Church in Hull, called the police, Coates was arrested and he has now been jailed for two years. 

Prosecutor Phillip Evans told Hull Crown Court: “His frame was too large to allow him to pass through the hole he had made.” 

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When police arrived, Coates claimed he had only just arrived to investigate the alleged break-in

He said the vicar “concealed himself behind a curtain”, called the police and gave them a running commentary as Coates then tried to get into the house by kicking in the back door. 

His frame was too large to allow him to pass through the hole he had made

Phillip Evans, prosecutor

When police arrived, Coates tried to hide in the garden and was “feigning innocence”, telling officers: “I was coming to see what the trouble was as I heard a noise.” 

After Coates was arrested he accepted he had been trying to break into the garage, but denied he had tried to get into the house. 

But Judge Mark Bury pointed out: “He would never have got far calling a vicar a liar, would he?” 

Coates, from Hull, admitted a series of crimes – three shop thefts, two attempted burglaries, and assault.

a man eating crispsGETTY

The court heard how Mr Coates' larger physique caused him to become stuck in a hole in the property

a judge pounding his gavelGETTY

Judge Mark Bury sentenced Coates to two years at Hull Crown Court yesterday

The court heard that in the weeks before the vicarage raid on December 16, Coates had twice stolen meat and while on bail in January he tried to steal a TV worth £269 from Asda. 

In a bid to make his escape, he punched a security guard. 

The court heard he had 136 previous convictions. 

Judge Mark Bury told him: “The time has come, I’m afraid, when you must serve another significant sentence. The public need protection from your behaviour.”

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