Refugee 'tries to MURDER his OWN CHILDREN by throwing them from asylum centre window'

A SYRIAN refugee has been arrested after allegedly attempting to murder his three young children.

Police arrested the 35-year-old for attempted murderGETTY FILE PICTURE

Police arrested the 35-year-old for attempted murder of his children (not pictured)

Police in Germany arrested the man after witnesses saw children falling one by one from a first-floor window at the residential centre for asylum seekers.

Medics arrived to find two of the young children, aged five and seven, seriously injured with severe head trauma.

They were subsequently airlifted to a nearby hospital – with their one-year-old sibling returned to their mother after treatment for mild injuries.

Their 35-year-old father was arrested at the scene in Lohmar, near Cologne.

Police in Germany have formed a special investigation unit in the wake of the incident.

Germany accepted almost one million refugees in 2015GETTY

Germany accepted almost one million refugees in 2015

Spokesman Stefan Birk said the man – one of a number of refugees to have been arrested for alleged violent crimes – offered “no resistance” during his arrest.

The 30 residents of the refugee accommodation centre – a former Chinese restaurant – were evicted and moved to a new home after police declared the area a crime scene.

The man and his family shared a bathroom and a kitchen with dozens of other refugees – overcrowding conditions which aid workers have complained are leading to violence against women and children.

Almost a thousand women were sexually assaulted by migrants in Cologne on New Year's EveGETTY

Almost a thousand women were sexually assaulted by migrants in Cologne on New Year's Eve

In nearby Cologne, authorities have pledged a zero tolerance approach against men who commit sex crimes during the city’s carnival this weekend.

Hundreds of women in the city suffered sexual assaults at the hands of migrant men on New Year’s Eve.

Henriette Reker, Cologne’s mayor, said everyone should be able to celebrate the festival “without danger”.

Police are increasing their presence in Cologne after December's sex attacksGETTY

Police are increasing their presence in Cologne after December's sex attacks

She said: “Cologne is taking action to prevent a repeat of New Year’s Eve.

“The global public will be watching very closely to see how Cologne manages this challenge.”

Police chiefs have doubled the number of officers on the streets for the first night of carnival – traditionally its busiest.

Around 2,500 officers will be deployed to protect revellers on Thursday night.

Germany: Syrian refugees denounce Cologne sex attacks

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