Don’t do THIS on a job interview – Woman's Poundland application flops after this blunder

A WOMAN failed to get a job at Poundland after she was asked to draw things important to her and drew THIS.

Mercedes Cray drew the coat of arms with things that are important to herSWNS

Mercedes Cray drew the coat of arms with things that are important to her

Mercedes Cray, 23, was one of 18 people who were interviewed for a role at the new store, but she flopped during the artwork round of the process because of her drawing.

Applicants trying for a job at the store in Gillingham, Kent, were asked to pen a coat of arms containing four things important to them.

Mercedes drew stick figures of her family, a car and a television - as well as a small picture of her and her partner with a shotgun.

Ms Cray, who lives with her partner in Chatham, Kent, claims she didn't get a role at the brand new store last week because she didn't pass the drawing test.

But the jobseeker reckons she didn't get a till role because she is terrible at art - not as a result of drawing a weapon.

She said: "There was a communication test, another where we had to follow instructions and the last one was a drawing test.

"They said it didn't matter if we couldn't draw and we could just do stick men if we weren't that good at drawing."

Mercedes believes that she didn't get the job because of her lack of art skills SWNS

Mercedes believes that she didn't get the job because of her lack of art skills

She drew the shotgun because she and her partner are interested in guns.

After the test, all the hopefuls were sat in a room waiting to see if their names were called out, meaning they had got the job.

Ms Cray said she was gutted when she realised she wasn't one of the lucky ones.

She said: "I was one of four who didn't get their name called out and then the interviewer came over and told us we had not got the position based on the last test we did as it was not to their standards.

Poundland have said that Ms Cray simply did not meet essential criteria for the roleGETTY

Poundland have said that Ms Cray simply did not meet essential criteria for the role

"I can't see why I would need drawing skills to work behind a till and they told us at the beginning it didn't matter if we couldn't draw.

"But then they told me I didn't get the job because I failed that test."

Mercedes says it also didn't help that they broke the news to them that they'd been unsuccessful in front of the whole Jobcentre.

A spokesman for Poundland said the store takes recruitment very seriously - and hire people by applying fair and objective selection criteria.

He said: "Our selection process takes into account a number of factors with the aim of ensuring we offer roles to the right candidates.

"Unfortunately on this occasion, Ms Cray did not meet the essential criteria for the role."

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