Pet owners urged NOT to wash hands after handling animals to keep friendly bacteria

PET owners are being urged NOT to wash their hands after handling animals to keep hold of friendly bacteria.

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People have been told to not wash their hands after patting their pets

Scientists have said that dog walkers and gardeners should not wash their hands after touching pets or soil.

This friendly bacteria has disappeared following years of humans eating a poor diet and the experts think that even starting a healthy diet will not reverse the damage.

The Stanford University experts have found out that helpful microbes which used to live in the gut when we were hunter gatherers are disappearing fast.

This bacteria is vital for regulating the immune system. 

Scientists think that it could be disappearing microbes, which has increased the rise in allergies and food intolerances.

This is because the bacteria often has enzymes, which dampen down the immune system. 

Dr Justin Sonnenburg, associate professor of microbiology and immunology at Stanford University School of Medicine, said: “The extremely low-fibre intake in industrialised countries has occurred relatively recently.

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Friendly and useful bacteria are disappearing from our body

Is it possible that over the next few generations we’ll lose even more species in our gut? And what will the ramifications be for our health?

Dr Justin Sonnenburg

“Is it possible that over the next few generations we’ll lose even more species in our gut? And what will the ramifications be for our health?

“We would have difficulty living without them. They fend off pathogens, train our immune systems and even guide the development of our tissues.

“Simple tweaks in our cultural practices, for example, not washing our hands after gardening or petting our dogs could be a step in the right direction.”

A gardener GETTY

Scientists are urging gardeners to not wash their hands after touching soil

The study's lead author Dr Erica Sonnenburg, a senior research scientist at Stanford said: “Numerous factors including widespread antibiotic use, more-frequent caesarean sections and less-frequent breastfeeding have been proposed for why we see this depletion in industrialized populations.

“We asked ourselves whether the huge difference in dietary fibre intake between traditional and modern populations could, alone, account for it.

“There are very few ecosystems where low species diversity is a good thing. There’s no reason to think our gut is any exception.”

The scientists used experiments on mice to ilustrate that bacterial species vanish with a low-fibre diet and don't return. 

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The bacteria is essential for regulating the immune system

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