Bodies donated to medical science used for BOTOX PRACTICE

CORPSES of donors who gave up their bodies for the good of science are being used by trainee Botox therapists, it has emerged.

A patient has a Botox facial injectionGetty Images

Botox treatments are being carried out on donated bodies, it has emerged

A body was handed over by a university anatomy department for a short course in beauty treatments.

Therapists were allowed to dissect a human head and use needles on its face in sessions spanning two days at Newcastle University.

Organisers of the course even filmed the treatments and posted a video online, but pulled it down amid criticism of the controversial practice, the Daily Mail reported.

An academic building at Newcastle UniversityGetty Images

A cadaver was handed over by Newcastle University

Critics said the course is an "abuse" of the goodwill which leads people to give up bodies to train doctors and specialists which "beggars belief".

It was organised by Cosmetic Couture, a training company based in Manchester, which said the aim was to boost patient safety.

Botox has to be prescribed by a doctor, but can be injected by anybody who finished a short training course.

A bottle of the Botox chemical and a needleGetty Images

Botox must be prescribed by a doctor, but can be administered by far less qualified beauticians

A cadaver dissection course geared towards non-medics beggars belief'

Former British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons president Fazel Fatah

Fazel Fatah, former president of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, condemned the practice.

She said: "A cadaver dissection course geared towards non-medics beggars belief.

"This is nothing but an abuse of donated cadavers whose study is meant to promote health and science."

A group on young doctors stand round a patientGetty Images

Critics say the course is an "abuse" of donors who thought their bodies would train medics

A spokesman for Cosmetic Couture said: "The two days provided an invaluable resource for a small number of practitioners to study in depth the nerve structures of the face and to ensure that the highest level of safety and protection is offered to clients undergoing cosmetic procedures."

Newcastle University said it mainly uses donated bodies to teach doctors, dentists and therapists but also makes them available to "other practitioners".

Dr Renee Hoenderkamp and Maleka Dattu talk Botox and skincare

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