British military reservists hugely undermanned, say army whistleblowers

ARMY reservist units are “woefully undermanned” with only one in ten recruits turning up for duty, whistleblowers said last night.

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Only one in ten army reservists have been turning up for duty, military sources revealed

Over half those who do attend fail their medicals and others cannot even assemble a rifle.

Senior sources said many units are padded out with “paper soldiers” who are on the books and get paid but never turn up, and that this was a ploy to satisfy the Government drive to have 30,000 reservists by 2018. 

One senior military source said one particular unit with 100 reservists on its books was regularly only able to field six men for vital military manoeuvres, with the willing half-dozen having to act out the parts of both the British forces and the enemy. 

He said its commanders have been told not to process requests by reservists wishing to leave, meaning they continue to be paid even when they do not attend. 

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More than half those who do attend fail their medicals and others cannot even assemble a rifle

Another source, this time with the Royal Yeomanry, a light cavalry reservist unit, revealed its commanders were also ignoring bi-annual number checks and stretching them out for a year, allowing reservists who quit to be kept on the books for an extra six months. 

Even so its recruitment figures are 40 per cent down, from more than 200 to 90, across its bases in London, Croydon, Windsor, Nottingham, Leicester, Dudley and Telford. 

Describing his reservist unit in the south of England, a senior source said: “We have what we call paper soldiers that are officially accounted for but never attend. 

“We have more than 100 soldiers on our books, but of that number, on a typical drill night, we probably only have 12-15 that regularly attend. 

“On a weekend exercise in the field we are lucky if we have half a dozen, including instructors assigned to play the enemy. I have been informed by other units this is not uncommon.” 

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Recruitment figures for the army reservists are down 40 per cent year on year

Another example concerns 77 Brigade, which includes specialist team of experts in civil affairs, intelligence and psychological specialists. 

There is no risk of them being discharged, even if they’re horrifically unfit

Military source

Due to be fully manned at 4,500 by Christmas, it still has a compliment of only 670 on the books, many of those being regular instructors and staff in command positions.

The source, a loyal reservist for many years, added: “Among these so-called paper soldiers, we have multiple discharge requests, but we are not allowed to process the paperwork. 

“This is because we would lose the numbers that are so crucial to the recruitment drive. So we continue to recognise them as soldiers. I suspect they are unaware that they are still eligible for compulsory mobilisation if circumstances demand.” 

Of those who do turn up, 65 per cent fail their annual physical examinations, making them technically unfit to serve. 

“But there is no risk of them being discharged, even if they’re horrifically unfit, or don’t even know how to assemble the working parts of a rifle, because we need to keep the numbers up,” added the source. 

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Some army reservists were deployed in the wake of the floods in the north of England

Under the Future Reserve 2020 plan, the Government must double the size of reservists to 30,000 by 2018 to fill gaps left by cutting regular forces, but last year a Government watchdog branded Ministry of Defence plans to recruit more reservists were “unachievable”. 

Senior regular Army officers now predict Chief of the General Staff, General Nick Carter, will “adjust” the 30,000 target to 25,000. 

Last night former defence minster Gerald Howarth MP said: “It was always a high risk strategy to imagine we could field 110,000 men with 30,000 reservists. 

“If this is typical across the country it means the number of trained reservists is being inflated to make the figures look better then they are. Padding out their numbers is not the way.” 

An MoD spokesperson said: “We will look at concerns about attendance but reserve recruiting figures are very encouraging, we have turned a corner with 8,500 recruited in the past year.”

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