Drivers face another decade of gridlock as over 100 major projects planned for roads

DRIVERS are set to suffer another decade of misery with 127 major projects planned for Britain’s motorways and A-roads, experts warn.

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127 major projects are planned for Britain’s motorways and A-roads

They also face the prospect of paying to use key highways as tolls are considered to combat congestion.

Engineers are studying a range of schemes to take the pressure off Britain’s 1,865 miles of motorway and 2,571 miles of A-Roads which represent 2 per cent of roads but carry 33 per cent of the traffic. There are 8.8 billion miles of HGV trips annually.

The Sunday Express is crusading to Get Britain Moving and fighting to bring an end to unnecessary jams and poorly planned roadworks.

While we welcome intervention by the Government to ensure our road network runs smoothly over the Christmas period, there is still much to be done and we will continue to fight for a better deal for road users.

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The nation has some of the worst traffi c jams in Europe

The nation has some of the worst traffic jams in Europe, according to the Royal Academy of Engineering, and vehicle numbers are expected to rise by 55 per cent over the next 25 years. It has called for a system of road charges.

The controversial scheme has been condemned as an extra tax on beleaguered drivers by many, but the Academy believes tolls could ultimately cut costs for many motorists and keep traffic flowing.

“It only needs a five to 10 per cent reduction in vehicles on the roads in peak time to get dramatic reductions in journey times by up to 30 per cent,” said Professor Anthony May, a lead author of the Academy’s transport congestion study, which has suggested 18 jam-busting measures.

These include the use of sat nav technology in cars to record all journeys. Busier roads would be charged at a higher rate per mile.

In return, car tax and fuel duty could be scrapped, which would slash costs for people who do not drive very often.

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Motorway tolls are widespread on the Continent

“We need to manage the system better,” said Professor May. “Motorists in rural areas would pay little and not pay fuel duty so they would be better off but if you were travelling around the M25 in peak time then you would pay more.”

Hugh Bladon, a founder of the Alliance of British Drivers, disagrees. He said: “We are 100 per cent against road pricing, there is no justification for it.

“Schemes will force people off better roads on to lesser roads, increasing congestion and accident risk. They will have to track where everyone is going which is an infringement of our civil liberties and is an outrageous thing to contemplate.

“We are not in the business of tracking people where everyone is going. It is absurd.”

He added that the Government rakes in about £60billion a year from taxes associated with motoring yet only uses £9billion of that sum for improving roads.

“Motorists are an easy target and have been used by successive governments as a means to raise cash.

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The Government allegedly spends just £9billion improving roads

It only needs a five to 10 per cent reduction in vehicles on the roads in peak time to get dramatic reductions in journey times by up to 30 per cent

Professor Anthony May, Royal Academy of Engineering

“We need more roads and we should be boosting business by making it easier for motorists to get into, and park in, towns rather than councils forcing them to out-of-town shopping malls.”

Motorway tolls are widespread on the Continent and Scandinavian countries have introduced road pricing schemes but the biggest scheme in the UK is the 27-mile M6 Toll, north of Birmingham, which costs £5.50 per car and £110 for HGVs and coaches.

The Dutch government introduced a radical solution to pay drivers to stay away from roadworks.

It recorded vehicle registrations in a 10 week period before the works began and then offered regular users five euros a day to take alternative routes or public transport to ease traffic.

John Parkin, professor of transport engineering at the University of the West of England, believes technology will pay an increasing role in managing traffic flow.

“In the future we will be more controlled and technology will allow us to improve conditions,” he said.

“The problem is when you get close to capacity, things fall over more easily and when you are squeezing out that last 10 per cent it is always more flaky.”

Rock, Paper, Traffic Jam

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