Government must do more to support brave veterans after Syria vote, charity urges

THE Government needs to do more to support heroic veterans after voting for air strikes in Syria, a charity has said.


20% of soldiers suffer with mental health issues

Combat Stress – which treats nearly 6,000 servicemen and women with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – is struggling to cope with a massive surge of brave soldiers in need.

Over the last year thousands of military veterans have sought help from the group, with a 25 per cent increase in new referrals.

It is thought numbers will continue to increase after MPs voted in favour of further airstrikes in Syria.

Fighter JetGETTY

It is thought syrian airstrikes will increase number of veterans suffering with PTSD

Robert Marsh from Combat Stress said: "Following a decade of military action in Iraq and Afghanistan, we are now struggling to cope with the thousands of veterans seeking our specialist mental health services.

"With MPs supporting further military action, we urgently need the financial resources to ensure our unique service continues to help the thousands of brave veterans who deserve the very best treatment."

Support CircleGETTY

Support networks play a vital role for suffering servicemen and women

20 per cent of servicemen and women suffer with mental health problems – 4 per cent of which are cases of PTSD.

MP’s voted overwhelmingly to extend air strikes into Syria in the fight against the Islamic State.

Since the vote strikes have been carried out by RAF pilots on a daily basis.

Syria: Russian jets conduct anti-terror sorties from Hmeymim air base

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