Richard Lander School: The brainiest school in the UK? SIX students have genius-level IQs

A STUNNED school has been hailed Britain's brainiest after discovering six of its pupils have genius IQs.

Richard Lander School and Albert EinsteinGETTY/IG

Six students at Richard Lander School in Truro achieved IQ scores just below that of Albert Einstein

Teachers found half a dozen youngsters got scores over 148 which meant they are eligible to join Mensa.

It was the first time the comprehensive secondary Richard Lander School, in Truro, Cornwall, had done the test and they were delighted at the results.

Top of the class was Imi Sparks with a bumper IQ of 156 - the same as Sigmund Freud and higher than Carol Vorderman.

That is also just four behind Bill Gates, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking.

Imi was closely followed by head girl Maggie Sykes with a score of 155, putting both in the top one per cent of the population.

A further four pupils from the school scored so highly they are also classed as geniuses.

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15-year-old Eloise Ireland, who has an IQ of 154, said she would like to be a barrister one day

They were Caitlin Faux and Eloise Ireland, who both have IQs of 154.

I am very pleased for our students who have done so well in the Mensa test

Holly Rickatson, gifted and talented co-ordinator

Luke Mader, who wants to be a particle physicist and Liam Kristoffy both scored an impressive 152.

To be admitted into Mensa a score within the top two per cent, or 148 , must be secured.

All pupils outscored presidential hopeful Hilary Clinton at 140.

The Year 11 GCSE students took the Cattell III B IQ test and in total 80 per cent scored high enough to be in the top 15 per cent nationally.

Holly Rickatson, the school's gifted and talented co-ordinator, said: "I am very pleased for our students who have done so well in the Mensa test.

"It has given some of them a boost in confidence, others confirmation of their abilities and for some the test has led to the realisation that they have an enormous amount of potential to explore."

Richard Lander SchoolGOOGLE

All six genius children are pupils at Richard Lander School in Truro, Cornwall

The teacher said the students will be able to use the results on their applications for university and joining Mensa will allow them to mingle with other people with high IQs and develop their academic interests.

She said: "The test has created a real buzz and the school will definitely do them again next year."

The paper test has five different sections, is timed and students are not allowed to return to any section.

Eloise, 15, who wants to be a barrister, said: "I am surprised and delighted to be invited to join Mensa having scored in the top two per cent nationally, especially as some of the questions in the test seemed a bit bizarre."

Caitlin, 15, who wants to be an English Professor said: "After doing the test, I couldn't focus for the rest of the day because my brain felt melted."

John Stevenage, chief executive of British Mensa, congratulated the students and said: "I hope the scores gained give the pupils the confidence to believe in their own ability and strive to reach their potential in whatever they attempt in the future."

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