UK pension among world's worst, research says - with only Chile and Mexico ranking lower

BRITAIN'S state pensioners face the third most severe drop in income in the developed world when they retire, an international study has found.

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Briatin's state pensions are among the worst in the world

Unless they have a private pension, UK workers face living on just 38 per cent of their former salary with only Chile and Mexico surviving on less in retirement, according to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Those who have saved into a private pension scheme end up on average with an income equal to two-thirds (67 per cent) of the earnings they enjoyed during their working lives.

They would see a smaller financial drop-off than typical earners in countries including Australia, Sweden, Germany, Denmark and France, Switzerland, Norway and Finland.

But the OECD warned that in general, future generations are likely to find their pension entitlements much less generous than they are now and many may face a serious risk of pensioner poverty.

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UK workers face living on just 38 per cent of their former salary

Many current pensioners, at least men, have worked for most of their lives often in rather stable jobs. But a job for life or even an intermittent career might not be the norm for people starting out today, the Pensions At A Glance 2015 report said.

Retirement ages have risen substantially, with retirement at 67 becoming the new 65 in many countries, the report said. Several countries are planning to move towards 70, including the Czech Republic, Denmark, Ireland, Italy and the UK.

Tom McPhail, head of retirement policy at Hargreaves Lansdown, said: "This analysis makes embarrassing reading for the politicians who have been responsible for the UK's pensions over the past 25 years."

He said that the automatic enrolment of people into workplace pensions, and the pension freedoms which were launched in April to give people aged 55 and over more flexibility over what they do with their pension pot, may help to engage people more with retirement saving.

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The basic state pension is £115.95 but will rise to £119.30 in April 2016

He continued: "The challenge now is to make sure the amount being invested into pensions is increased as quickly as possible."

The basic state pension is currently worth £115.95, but will rise to £119.30 in April 2016, as a result of the triple-lock.

That means that pensions rise by whatever is highest - earnings, inflation or 2.5 per cent.

From April, those on the new flat-rate pension will be able to get up to £155.65, but they will need to have 35 years of National Insurance Contributions to claim the full amount.

The new state pension replaces not only the basic state pension but also the second-state pension, meaning the UK joins Ireland and New Zealand as the only countries in the OECD without a mandatory second tier.

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Six out of 10 pensioners live on 'less than £10,500 a year'

This analysis makes embarrassing reading for the politicians who have been responsible for the UK's pensions over the past 25 years

Tom McPhail, Hargreaves Lansdown

A full, uninterrupted career is crucial to these voluntary contributions, and the OECD warned that the UK would have to double its private coverage rate to ensure the system is adequate.

Public pensions spending in the UK accounts for 5.6 per cent of GDP, less than the OECD average of 7.9 per cent of GDP, even though the UK has an older population.

Across the OECD, on average 16.2 per cent of the population is over 65-years-old, compared to 18.1 per cent in the UK.

And out of 34 member countries, 31 have more generous public pensions than the UK.

Britons are also set to work longer and retire later than their OECD counterparts.

Across the OECD countries, retirement age will increasesfrom an average of 64 in 2014 to 65.5 by 2060, but in the UK, the retirement age for the basic pension will increase to 66 in 2026 and 67 by 2028.

The report also called for increased spending on social care, which it described as 'in crisis'. Many pensioners in poor health experience a very low standard of living due to cuts to social care budgets, and their needs are left unaddressed in the UK's support system for the elderly, it said.

"Most governments have made important efforts to bring public pension systems on a sustainable path; while these are steps in the right direction, there is now a growing risk in some countries that future pension will not be sufficient," OECD secretary-general Angel Gurria said.

"The long-term challenge is to design policies today that are flexible enough to adapt to the uncertainties of tomorrow's world of work, while ensuring adequate living standards for retirees."

Researchers examined the "net pension replacement rate" for average earners across 34 countries; this is the amount that people on average wages will end up with as a retirement income, as a proportion of their income when they were earning.

The UK's replacement rate for all types of pension (state and private) is 71.1 - in other words retirees earn 71 per cent of their previous incomes, after tax.

In this respect, pensioners in the UK are better off than their peers in France (67.7) and Germany (64.7).

Express Debate - We Need Better Advice On Pensions

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