Becky Watts' stepmum still loves monster killer son and will visit him in jail for answers

BECKY WATTS' stepmother has insisted she still loves her sadistic killer son and will visit him in prison despite his gruesome crime.

Becky Watt's father Darren Galsworthy and his wife Anjie Galsworthy appearing on ITV's Good Morning BritainTIM STEWART NEWS LTD•ITV•UNIVERSAL NEWS AND SPORT

Becky Watt's father Darren Galsworthy and his wife Anjie Galsworthy appearing on ITV

Becky, 16, was brutally murdered in a sexually motivated kidnap plot devised by her stepbrother Nathan Matthews and his girlfriend Shauna Hoare.

The pair were found guilty for their parts in the sick attack by a jury yesterday and will be sentenced on Friday.

Despite being behind one of the most disgusting crimes in Britain this year, Matthews' mother Anjie Galsworthy said today she still feels love for her child.

Mrs Galsworthy, who is married to Becky Watts' father, said: "He's a different person, he's not the child I remember bringing up.

"I still love him, I just find it hard looking at the monster he's turned into. He's totally different from the child I brought up.

Darren Galsworthy added: "When they arrested them we still said 'you've got it wrong'.

"We trusted them and the betrayal hurts so much.

"We loved them - they were all our kids even if they had different DNA. It didn't make no difference. We loved them, they were our family."

A prison van leaves Bristol Crown CourtGETTY

A prison van leaves Bristol Crown Court

Porn-obsessed Matthews, 28, is facing life in jail after being convicted of Becky's murder.

Sidekick Hoare, 21 was found guilty of manslaughter and trying to cover up the crime.

The couple fantasised about taking a teenage girl to the attic of their home and had packed a kidnap kit in the boot of their car.

They let themselves into her family's semi-detached house in Bristol while Becky was alone during the morning of February 19.

Stepmother of Becky Watts and mother of Nathan Matthews, Anjie Galsworthy, sits in her wheelchairGETTY

Stepmother of Becky Watts and mother of Nathan Matthews, Anjie Galsworthy, sits in her wheelchair

Matthews then suffocated Beckyand he spent the next three days dismembering her body into eight parts using a saw, a kitchen knife and a screwdriver.

The former TA soldier promised a friend £10,000 to store Becky's body parts - carefully wrapped in cling film, bags and tape and packed with cat litter and salt - in his garden shed.

Police searched the outhouse in the early hours of March 3 discovered the truth when a detective unwrapped Becky's severed right hand.

The court heard how Matthews and Hoare swapped messages about kidnapping schoolgirls in the months before Becky's death.

Darren Galsworthy (left) the father of murdered schoolgirl Becky WattsPA

Matthews, 28, was found guilty of murdering her during a sexually-motivated kidnap

A post-mortem examination found that after death Becky suffered 16 stab wounds and a long slash wound to her stomach.

Matthews and Hoare will be sentenced on Friday with Jaydene Parsons, 23, and Karl Demetrius, 30, who owned the shed where Becky's body parts were hidden. The pair admitted assisting an offender.

Matthews faces a mandatory life sentence but could die behind bars as the sexually motivated murder of a child can carry a whole life order.

Becky Watts family first live interview

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