New cholesterol drug with no side-effects to replace statins

A NEW vaccine could replace statins as the best way to fight cholesterol and reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack, say scientists.


The new injection could revolutionise treatment

Millions of Britons take statins every day to cut the danger of clogged arteries. But they are known to have side-effects which can include muscle pain, an increased risk of diabetes and loss of memory and reasoning.

The new injection would need to be given only once every three months, is more effective and has no known side-effects. It is also much cheaper. The discovery of the vaccine could revolutionise treatment of heart disease and stroke.

Tests on animals such as mice and monkeys showed it slashed cholesterol by up to 55 per cent compared with 30 per cent for statins.

The specialist research team behind the discovery are hopeful that the same results will be achieved in humans, with trials expected to start soon.


Statins is used by millions of Britons everyday

Dr Alan Remaley, of the US National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, said: “The results of our vaccine were very striking and suggest it could be a powerful new treatment for high cholesterol.”

Cholesterol is produced by the body to make vitamin D and molecules that digest food. But too much can block arteries and cause heart disease.

To ensure that there is enough cholesterol circulating in the blood, the body naturally creates a protein called PCSK9 which helps to maintain the correct level.

The new vaccine works by using harmless virus-like particles that are not infectious to trick the immune system into thinking that the PCSK9 is a foreign body which it then targets with antibodies.

The results of our vaccine were very striking and suggest it could be a powerful new treatment

Dr Alan Remaley

With the protein removed, the body can flush cholesterol out of the system naturally. Diet and exercise can help keep cholesterol down but health regulators currently recommend that 17.5 million people in the UK – some 40 per cent of all adults – should take statins to control it.

There has been growing concern over the potentially serious side-effects, however. Last night, health charities in the UK welcomed the vaccine discovery.


Diabetes is a possible side-effect of statins

Professor Peter Weissberg, medical director at the British Heart Foundation, said: “This research offers a possible new way of reducing cholesterol for those at risk of a heart attack.

“From genetic research, some of which the BHF funded, we know that people with low levels of the protein PCSK9 tend to have low cholesterol levels and a low risk of heart disease.

“This has led drug companies to look for ways of reducing this protein in people with high cholesterol.

“Human trials are now required to demonstrate the vaccine’s efficacy and long-term safety, which could take a number of years.”

Dr Kate Holmes, assistant director of research at the Stroke Association, also welcomed the new research.

She said: “Statins are very commonly used to reduce high cholesterol. Unfortunately they are not suitable for everyone.

“Research like this, to find alternative yet effective ways to manage cholesterol, is important to increase and improve ways in which we can prevent stroke.

“The study results look promising but these are very early findings and we would need further investigation to learn if the vaccine could be safe and effective in people.

“Anyone with concerns about their risk of stroke should visit their GP.”

The new vaccine could be used alone or in conjunction with statins for those who do not suffer ill-effects from the drug. The researchers first tested the vaccine in mice and successfully reduced their level of low density lipoprotein (LDL) – also known as bad cholesterol.

They then tested it in a small group of macaque monkeys who were also taking statins, resulting in a dramatic decrease in LDL when both were used together.


The new treatment is cheaper and more effective

Dr Bryce Chackerian, of the University of New Mexico, who led the new study, published in the journal Vaccine, said: “One of the most exciting things about this new vaccine is it seems to be much more effective. He said researchers were astounded at how effective the vaccine was when used to target PCSK9.

Dr Remaley said: “Statins are still the most commonly prescribed medication for cholesterol.”

But he added: “Although they are effective in many people, they do have side-effects and don’t work for everyone.”

Most men aged over 60 and women over 65 are now offered statins even if they only have a one in 10 chance of developing cardiovascular disease within 10 years. Heart disease or stroke claim 73,000 and 53,000 British lives respectively each year.

Facts about Inherited high cholesterol

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