KFC worker sacked for wearing POPPY – because it's a health and safety risk

A FATHER claims he has been sacked by KFC after wearing a poppy on his uniform to commemorate Britain's war heroes.

Stephen ColquhounMIRRORPIX

Stephen Colquhoun was reportedly sacked from KFC for wearing a poppy

Stephen Colquhoun was told the poppy could pose a "health and safety" risk by bosses at the fast food chain.

When the 23-year-old refused to take off the remembrance symbol his name was removed from his restaurant's rota, he said.

The father-of-two, from Glasgow, wore the poppy on Friday after making a deposit in the restaurant's own poppy box. 

He said: "I think it is a disgrace that you can't wear a poppy.

"It should be ­everyone's right to show their respect for the war dead if they want to.

"I had handed in my notice to KFC and was only due to work for another couple of weeks, but I could have done with the cash from my last few shifts."

Stephen-ColquhounMIRROR PIX

Mr Colquhoun outside the restaurant on Renfield Street, Glasgow

Two years ago a Morrisons worker was suspended after wearing poppy pin badge on his name tag in tribute to murdered soldier Lee Rigby.

Adam Austin said: "I was disappointed and partly furious.

"I would have understood if they had said you can wear the badge now, and then when the situation with Lee Rigby dies down take them off.

"I have got friends in the army and friends who have been in the army. What with the issue with Lee Rigby, I wore the badge out of respect."

And in 2010 a shop assistant at clothing chain Hollister was left "angry" and "upset" after being told to remove her poppy.

Harriet Phipps wore the poppy while working at the shop, in Southampton, to honour a friend serving in Afghanistan.

Stephen ColquhounIG

The 23-year-old had already handed in his notice at KFC

Stephen ColquhounIG

A spokesman for the chain denied he had been sacked

A spokesman for KFC said: "The poppy appeal is a great cause and many of our restaurants support it through donation boxes including the Renfield Street restaurant.

"Wearing any type of badge or pin while working in a kitchen poses a foreign body risk so isn’t allowed for health and safety reasons.

"The team member has not been dismissed but we are currently looking into the matter."

The Battle of Britain

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