Brit Jihadi given £1M by UK is fighting for Islamic State

A JIHADIST awarded £1million compensation by Britain has been fighting for Islamic State for 18 months, it was revealed yesterday.

Jamal al-Harith reading the Qur'anEPA/IG

Jamal al-Harith has been fighting for Islamic State for 18 months, according to sources

Muslim convert Jamal al-Harith, 48, was allowed to travel to Syria unopposed under the cover of carrying out “humanitarian work”. 

He won the £1million from the last Labour government after saying MI5 helped to have him caged at Guantanamo Bay, in Cuba. 

It is believed police suspected for six months that he was with IS but feared a public backlash. 

Rebel forces fire at Syrian government troopsGETTY

Rebel forces fire at President Assad's troops in Syria

Commons Home Affairs Committee chairman Keith Vaz has called for an inquiry. Web designer al-Harith, from Manchester, was arrested by US forces in Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks and held for two years. 

He said he had gone to Pakistan for a “religious holiday” before crossing into Afghanistan and being held by the Taliban. 

He was released with his £1million in 2004 after saying he had been tortured. 

Aftermath of an explosion in SyriaGETTY

The aftermath of a missile strike on rebel forces in Syria

People fleeing a dusty warzoneGETTY

The situation in Syria has become increasingly volatile with Russian military intervention

Then Home Secretary David Blunkett said at the time: “No one who has returned will actually be a threat.” 

It’s unbelievable that he’s been allowed to go and fight in Syria without anyone noticing. We have paid him to become a terrorist

al-Harith's former neighbour

But it has emerged al-Harith had links to extremists who urged others to follow them to Syria. 

He was born into a Christian family of Jamaican immigrants. 

Records show he used £200,000 of his £1million to buy a three-bedroom semi in Stockport. 

A former neighbour said: “It’s unbelievable that he’s been allowed to go and fight in Syria without anyone noticing. We have paid him to become a terrorist.”

The Syrian Crisis - The Facts

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