Grieving daughter kissed STRANGER'S corpse after blundering doctors said her mum had died

DOCTORS told a patient's family she had died and allowed them to say their goodbyes only to call them seven hours later to inform them she was still alive.


Hospital staff wrongly told Ms Page her mother had died

Distraught Liz Page ,61, kissed who she thought was her dead mum goodbye after being told by hospital staff she had died - only to find out it was the wrong body. 

Ms Page and her husband Gerry, 72, were ushered into a cubicle to see the body – but they were too grief-stricken to notice the gaffe.

They said, 'We’re very sorry, your mother’s not dead, she’s on another part of the ward.'

Liz Page

Her 94-year-old mother, Phyllis Lilley, was taken to hospital following a stroke. 

She said: "I couldn’t believe it. I was angry and delighted at the same time.”

She added: "They said, 'We’re very sorry, your mother’s not dead, she’s on another part of the ward.'

"They said the woman who died had a similar name and they pulled out the wrong file."


The NHS hospital admitted to the blunder

The couple had spent the afternoon at Ms Lilley's bedside at Dorset County Hospital, Dorchester, after a brain scan revealed some bleeding and she was put on oxygen.

The pair went home for the evening when they received the tragic phone call. 

Ms Page said: "I didn’t sleep very well and at about 4.50am I had a phone call from the hospital.

"They said they were sorry to say my mum had passed away and asked if I wanted to see her. It was news I was expecting to hear.

"A nurse showed us into the cubicle. We were there about three or four minutes I suppose.

"I just said, 'Goodbye' and kissed her forehead and came out.

She added: "I know it sounds ridiculous that we didn’t realise it was the wrong body.

"When you’re told your mum has died and you’re shown into a room, it just doesn’t enter your mind that it won’t be her."


Staff called Ms Page back to tell her that her mum was alive

The heartbroken pair went home to begin making funeral arrangements but got a shocking phone call seven hours later.

In a letter the hospital admitted checks had not been carried out and apologised to Ms Page and her family. 

Ms Page has never revealed the blunder to her mother, who now lives in a care home. 

Failed By The NHS

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