Cancer risk linked to your height, new research shows

TALL people are more likely to develop cancer, new research suggests.

A cancer cell and tall person graphicGETTY

Scientists have claimed the risk of cancer is increased with every four inches of height

The risk increases by 18 per cent in women and 11 per cent in men for every four inches in height. 

The link is highlighted in a landmark 50-year study published today. 

But scientists are still not sure why taller people appear to be more at risk from a disease that experts say will affect half of us at some point in our lives. 

One theory is that taller people are exposed to higher levels of growth hormones during childhood and adolescence, which could promote cancer development. 

Another is that taller people simply have a larger number of cells in their bodies that could potentially malfunction. 

A man receives radiation therapyGETTY

A man receives radiation treatment for skin cancer

The new research shows taller women have a 20 per cent greater risk of developing breast cancer while the chances of getting melanoma, a potentially fatal form of skin cancer, increase by 30 per cent in men and women. 

Dr Emelie Benyi, of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden where the research was carried out, said: “Our studies show taller individuals are more likely to develop cancer but it is unclear so far if they also have a higher risk of dying from cancer or have an increased mortality overall. 

“To our knowledge, this is the largest study performed on linkage between height and cancer including both sexes.” 

Scientists studied 5.5 million men and women born in Sweden between 1938 and 1991. 

They followed the group from 1958 until the end of 2011 and found the cancer risk rose for every four inches of height. 

Professor Dorothy Bennett, head of the Molecular Cell Sciences Research Centre, St George’s, University of London, said: “It sounds an odd relationship at first glance but it is actually very plausible that the risk of cancer in a person should be related to the number of cells in their body, since that determines the number of cells ‘at risk’. 

“A cancer arises by mutations from a single normal cell. Bigger people have more cells, not bigger cells. So melanoma risk, for example, might be expected to increase with surface area or amount of skin, which is related to the square of height.” 

Manute BolGETTY

Manute Bol, the tallest man to play in the history of the NBA, during a 1986 game against Portland

The study did not take into account factors affecting cancer risk, such as smoking. 

These latest findings tally with previous research which suggests taller people may be slightly more likely to develop cancer

Sarah Williams, Cancer Research UK

The findings will be presented at the Annual European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology in Barcelona today. 

Researchers will now go on to investigate how death from cancer and other causes are associated with height. 

Earlier Swedish research among 585,000 people found melanoma increased by 17 per cent in women and 11 per cent in men for every two inches of height. 

Deaths from breast and other cancers were also related to how tall someone was. 

Sarah Williams, of Cancer Research UK, said: “These latest findings tally with previous research which suggests taller people may be slightly more likely to develop cancer. 

“Scientists aren’t sure why height might affect cancer risk but one suggestion is that taller people simply have more cells so the chance of any one of those cells developing cancer-causing damage is higher.” 

A doctor examines for skin cancerGETTY

The risk of skin cancer for tall people could be due to the increased surface area or amount of skin

A child born today has a one-in-two chance of developing cancer at some point. 

Based on the current UK population, that means 32 million will be diagnosed, with around 16 million dying from the condition. 

The disease claimed 8.2 million lives and was diagnosed in nearly 15 million patients around the world in 2013. 

Between 1990 and 2013 the proportion of deaths caused by cancer increased from 12 to 15 per cent. 

Dr Benyi said: “Identifying different risk factors could be the first step in understanding the mechanisms behind cancer. This knowledge might later be used to develop treatment regimes.”

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