A&E crisis: Worst waiting times for a decade as hospitals TWEET staff to work overtime

TWO desperate hospitals were forced to ask off-duty colleagues to work extra hours via TWITTER after they were inundated with patients.

Nottingham hospital tweets off-duty staffGETTY/TWITTER

Hospitals were forced to tweet their off-duty staff to work overtime

Medics from Nottingham's Queen's Medical Centre (QMC) said they have been "exceptionally busy" with around a 10 per cent increase in people turning up to their accident and emergency (A&E) department.

The appeal came as the government this morning confirmed that the crisis in A&Es across the country is the worst it has been for a decade.

Just 92.6 per cent of patients are seen within four hours, the lowest level for ten years, and three hospitals have had to declare emergency measures as the winter health care crisis continues.

A staggering 5.6million people turned up in A&E in the final three months of last year.

Nottingham's QMC resorted to social media on Sunday night to beg hospital staff to work overtime.

The Nottingham University Hospitals NHS trust, which runs QMC and Nottingham City Hospital, posted their urgent tweet for help at 8:27pm on Sunday.

Last week, 3,419 people arrived at their A&E, with 845 people from this figure going on to be admitted.

The tweet from the @nottmhospitals read: "Our hospitals are very busy. Off-duty nurses who can work extra hours tonight or tmrw please contact base ward, and Drs please report to ED."

A spokesman for Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust said: "More people have attended our emergency department, and more sick patients have needed to be admitted.

"This unprecedented demand has meant more patients have been looked after in our emergency department for longer.

"We use social media, alongside more traditional ways, as a modern effective way to communicate with staff in various ways."

Their pressing appeal comes after new figures showed A&E waiting times in England have plummeted to their worst levels in more than a decade.

More people have attended our emergency department, and more sick patients have needed to be admitted

Spokesman for Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

Shockingly, the figures showed just 92.6 per cent of patients are seen within four hours - meaning NHS England has failed to meet its target of seeing 95 per cent of patients within this time limit.

Dr Sarah Pinto-Duschinsky, director of operations and delivery for NHS England, said: "Today's figures show that, in the three months to the end of December, more than nine out of 10 A&E patients in England continued to be seen and treated in under four hours - the best measured performance of any major Western country.

"In the immediate run-up to Christmas, the NHS treated 446,500 A&E attendees, up 38,000 on the same week last year. And there were 112,600 emergency admissions - the highest number in a single week since we started publishing performance figures in 2010.

"We faced similar demand over Christmas itself. In the week ending December 28 A&E attendances were up more than 31,000 on the same period last year, meaning we successfully treated more patients in under four hours than ever before."

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme that hospital staff are feeling a "huge amount of pressure" to cope with rising demands.

jeremy huntGETTY

Jeremy Hunt told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme that hospital staff are feeling the pressure

But he added: "I think we also have to recognise, despite the particular pressures, despite the major incidents - and you always get some major incidents at this time of year - that the NHS is continuing to see in A&E departments nine out of 10 people within the four-hour target.

"That is actually better than any other country in the world that measures these things."

Martin Gawith, chairman of Healthwatch Nottingham, which represents patients in the city, urged people to stop turning up to hospital unnecessarily.

He said: "Please remember it's accident and emergency - it's not there to replace the pharmacist, the GP, the nurse or the 111 line. Please think before you go to A&E.

"There's a bigger issue with what politicians need to do and there's an over-concentration on the performance of A&E rather than looking at the whole system.

"I genuinely believe politicians could make the biggest contribution to the health debate by doing what they promise about things like minimum alcohol pricing and taking action with sugar and healthy diets."

Among the worst performers in terms of meeting the 95 per cent target were Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust (79.1 per cent), Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust (80.5 per cent) and Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust (83.4 per cent).

Understaffed and overstretched - a special investigation into the NHS crisis

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