Petrol strike: Panic buying at the pumps has already started

DRIVERS were last night warned by the Government to prepare for mass disruption in the looming national strike by tanker drivers.

Motorists queuing for fuel at an Asda petrol station at Waterlooville in Hampshire SteveReigate Motorists queuing for fuel at an Asda petrol station at Waterlooville in Hampshire/ SteveReigate

As panic buying hit forecourts across Britain, Downing Street officials urged motorists and business to make “contingency plans” for the walkout that threatens to wreck the Easter break.

Asked if vehicle users should rush to fill up their tanks, a spokeswoman for David Cameron said: “I think people should draw their own conclusions.”

The No 10 warning is bound to intensify the dash for fuel while retailers accused the Government of a “deplorable” lack of readiness.

Petrol supplies at stations began to come under pressure yesterday as Britons rushed to fill up. 

Fuel sales were up by 20 per cent, there were long queues and reports of some garages beginning to run dry.

Whitehall sources admitted that not enough Army drivers will be trained in time to take the wheel of civilian tankers and guarantee supplies. Ministers were considering “all options” including recruiting blackleg foreign tanker drivers to break the strike.

It is probably good advice to stock up now rather than leave it

Chief executive of the Drivers’ Alliance Peter Roberts


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Peter Roberts, chief executive of the Drivers’ Alliance, said fuel costs could soar by up to 10 pence per litre. Last night both petrol and diesel were at record highs of 140.42 pence per litre and 146.88 pence respectively.

Backing the Government’s warning, Mr Roberts said: “It is probably good advice to stock up now rather than leave it. The only problem I can foresee is if people go away for Easter and need more fuel during their holiday.”

The PM’s spokeswoman added: “Businesses and those who rely on vehicles for work should ensure contingency plans are in place.”

The Cabinet was yesterday briefed on the emergency measures being lined up after members of the Unite union voted for strike action. The walkout over terms and conditions will shut 90 per cent of forecourts. Unite yesterday called on Energy and Climate Change minister Edward Davey, to bring all parties to the negotiating table. No date has been set for action but it is likely to be over Easter, starting on Good Friday April 6.

Brian Madderson, chairman of RMI Petrol, which represents independent forecourts, also wrote to Mr Davey, saying it was “deplorable” his department had not been in touch with fuel providers who were left in “the worst position that we have ever been in”.

“Garages are running low. Brighton, Blackburn and the West Country have been especially hard hit,” he said.

James Haigh from Experian Catalist, which monitors fuel prices, said: “People are already panic buying.”

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