Fury as 'dangerous' cycle path built through children's playground

A new cycle path which cuts through a playground has been blasted by locals who say it potentially endangers their children.

A swing in the playground

Residents have said they weren't informed of the construction of the path (Image: Manchester Evening News)

A controversial new cycle path that slices through a children's playground has sparked outrage among residents, with many slamming the local council for not consulting them on the project.

Locals in  Stockport have voiced their alarm over the bike lane's proximity to play equipment used by youngsters aged two to 10, fearing it could lead to accidents.  

The proposed route of the cycle path is marked by barriers that uncomfortably skirt the edge of swings, compelling kids to navigate through the path of potential cyclists to access all the play facilities.

One irate neighbour near the playground in Tannock Road, Hazel Grove, said: "There's a fence next to the playground and they could have put it there but they think it's acceptable to put it through the play equipment. It's not acceptable."

The route of the new path

The path will run directly in the middle of the area where children play (Image: Manchester Evening News)

Concerns are mounting as children from nearby homes would be forced to cross the cyclist's track to reach swings and slides, posing a risk to the little ones who frequent the area, reports the Manchester Evening News.

A young mother, who often lets her daughter play at the site, shared her unease. She said: "It does worry me a bit. I let my little girl come and play out here because I know she's close by rather than going to the park up the road."

She added, stressing the danger: "But this path could cause a kid to get hurt, if they get knocked over by a bike they don't notice when they're playing."

Residents also claim they were not consulted about the new path. One local said: "We were given no notice that the cycle path would be put in place. When I spoke to those putting the path in place they said they were just doing what we were told.

"My local councillor was also unaware the cycle path was being put in place."

A slide in the play area

Residents are worried children could be hit by a bike (Image: Manchester Evening News)

The resident further alleges that the council's communication only mentioned works on Dunvegan Road and a nearby ginnel, with no mention of the cycle path near the playground.  Jack, a 20 year old university student from the neighbourhood, echoed this complaint.

He said: "I had no idea that they were putting it here.  I don't really understand the need for a bike path because there's a little path on the edge of the grass that people use.

"Hopefully, no one hits one of the kids who come on here to play" The path could be constructed to one side but the path is going right down the middle and electric bikes could easily hurt a child.

"The space is used by very young children of two to 10 years who will no longer be able to access the play equipment without crossing the proposed route."

Another resident, who asked not to be named, said: "None of the residents have been shown the route or consulted or we would have objected."

Councillor Grace Baynham, Cabinet Member for Parks, Highways and Transport Services at Stockport Council, said: "The new infrastructure is part of our ongoing commitment to improve our walking and cycling links around the borough".

"The path is similar to many cycle routes through parks within Stockport, including Torkington Park nearby, and these operate in a safe manner. The park will remain open and accessible to all while the works take place."

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