POLL: Are Britons becoming lazier?

A new survey has shown that people in the UK are least likely to say work is important in their life, but do you think Britons are becoming more work-shy? Vote and join in the debate below.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Charlie Mullins says UK has some 'lazy people out there'

Britons are among the least likely to view work as very important, with the attitude of “we don't live to work” increasing over time, a new study has shown.

Compared with 40 years ago the public is more likely to say that it would be a good thing if less importance was placed on work.

According to the World Values Survey, 73 percent of Britons think work is “very or rather important in their life”.

This is the lowest of 24 countries with other nations such as Italy and Spain seeing much higher results with 96 percent, and 94 percent in France. Both The Philippines and Indonesia scored 99 percent.

Speaking about the findings, Prof Bobby Duffy, director of the Policy Institute at King's College London, said: “The UK is among the least likely from a wide range of countries to say work is important to their own life, that it should be prioritised over spare time or that hard work leads to success and that not working makes people lazy.”

Office workers on break

POLL: Are Britons becoming lazier? (Image: Getty)


He continued: “There are, however, very different views between generations in the UK, with older generations more likely to say work should be prioritised, even as it becomes less important in their own lives as they move into retirement.”

Just 34 percent of Baby Boomers – those born between 1946 – 1964 – and 22 percent of the pre-war generation think it would be a good thing if less importance was placed on work.

He added: “Millennials, in contrast, have become much more sceptical about prioritising work as they’ve made their way through their career.

“There will be a number of explanations for these shifts, from the nostalgia that tends to grow as we age, in thinking younger generations are less committed than we were, and the long-term economic and wage stagnation that will lead younger generations to question the value of work.”

So what do YOU think? Are Britons becoming lazier? Vote in our poll and join the debate in the comment section below.

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