Femi moans about Liz Truss and King Charles III as he slams UK in democracy rant

REMAINER Femi Oluwole has slammed the UK's political system following Liz Truss's appointment to Prime Minister and King Charles III becoming Sovereign after the Queen's death.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Jeremy Vine: Femi Oluwole says UK 'isn't a democracy'

The Europhile took to Twitter to criticise the appointment of the new  and after the death of Queen Elizabeth II. He said that "not a single free vote was cast" to determine their positions. However, others on the social media site took issue with Mr Oluwole's criticism.

Mr Oluwole said: "The UK has a new Head of State [King Charles III], a new Prime Minister and a new government in the same week, and NOT A SINGLE FREE VOTE was cast. We're such a democratic country, aren't we..."

Liz Truss became Prime Minister following a vote by Conservative Party members who chose her to become the new leader following Boris Johnson's dramatic ousting. The Tories won a landslide victory in the 2019 general election.

Prince Charles became King Charles III following the death of his mother after centuries of tradition since the Glorious Revolution of 1688 has seen the bulk of the Sovereign's power transferred to Parliament.

Other political commentators were quick to point this out on Twitter with many commenting on Mr Femi's desire to overturn the Brexit referendum.

Femi Oluwole and a Twitter post.

Femi Oluwole took to Twitter to criticise the UK's democratic system. (Image: GETTY/Twitter)

King Charles III.

King Charles III became Head of State following the death of the Queen. (Image: GETTY)

Journalist and former MEP Martin Daubney said: "Yawn. Even when we have free votes and democracy, you choose to ignore them - and cry about every single free, democratic election where you’ve backed the wrong horse."

Mr Daubney appeared to be referring to Brexit, which the majority of people in the UK voted for in 2016 - Mr Oluwole has called for a second referendum to attempt to reverse the vote.

Graham (@abbeylinegold) added: "We voted to leave the EU and you’ve been trying to overturn it ever since. You have a problem with democracy."

Mr Oluwole hit back claiming either the Tories were trying to overturn Brexit or Brexit was not yet finished.

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Liz Truss.

Liz Truss became Prime Minister after being chosen by Tory members, who won the 2019 election. (Image: GETTY)

He said: "For the record, in international relations terms, Brexit is the act of going from one treaty arrangement with EU countries to another.

"So unless you voted for permanent chaos in international relations, either Brexit hasn't happened yet or it's the TORIES trying to overturn it."

Others pointed out that there was no vote for Gordon Brown when he took over for Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair.

When Mr Brown took over as PM in 2007, he chose not to call an early election, which is the prerogative of the Prime Minister.

This was not always the case, in 2011 a law was passed which removed the PM's power to call an election and handed it instead to the House of Commons.

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A Brexit ballot.

A majority voted to leave the EU in 2016. (Image: GETTY)

However, Conservatives introduced the Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Act 2022, returning that power to the Prime Minister.

Boris Johnson took over as Prime Minister in July 2019, but didn't hold a general election until December of that year.

The next general election isn't due to be called until January 2025 and it is up to the new Prime Minister Liz Truss to decide if there will be an election before that date.

The PM must "request" the monarch, now King Charles III to dissolve Parliament in order to hold an early election.

For the moment, Ms Truss has given no indication that she will hold an early election although this is, of course, subject to change in the next two and a half years.

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