'They were hostile' Neighbour row over noisy windchimes as fed up residents poised to act

A HEATED row has broken out between neighbours after a particularly noisy set of windchimes caused a "nuisance noise" for the residents next door.

By Matthew Dooley, World News Editor

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Some may find the sound of wind chimes relaxing, however some find them to be a complete nuisance according to posts on the parenting website Mumsnet. One woman took to the site to give her account of how she became "distressed and frustrated" during a row about chimes with her “aggressive” neighbours.

The woman claimed the chimes were so loud that she and her partner couldn’t sleep at night with the bedroom window open - something which has become a near necessity during the hot weather.

She wrote: “We politely asked our neighbours to move their wind chimes as we could hear them clearly in our garden and in our house with the windows or doors open (these aren't the little tinkly chimes but the big resonant tubular bells – Mike Oldfield would be proud).”

When she asked the neighbours to move the chimes, they did so but not before becoming “hostile”. Although the chimes were moved, the woman says that they are still next door and she “can’t enjoy her garden” in the same way.

She said: “The neighbours were quite hostile but did move them – about two feet from where they had previously been. We could still hear them although slightly less frequently. We politely asked again but they were very aggressive, accused us of harassing them, and cut off all contact with us.

A woman and wind chimes.

A neighbour has become "ditressed and frustrated" during a row about her neighbour's wind chimes. (Image: GETTY)

A woman holding her ears.

The woman claimed she couldn't sleep with her bedroom window open. (Image: GETTY)

“The wind chimes remain. We can still hear them even on slightly breezy days. We can't leave our bedroom window open at night as the sound carries right into our room, which is especially frustrating during this hot weather.

“We've been quite distressed and frustrated and can't enjoy our house and garden like we used to.”

She asked the site if she was being unreasonable, however the consensus was far from certain.

She said: “I guess some people might think we are being unreasonable – it's only a musical noise right? Not a barking dog or anything - but this really is a problem for us.

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Wind chimes.

One user said it was "unneighbourly" to refuse to move the wind chimes. (Image: GETTY)

“We've considered contacting the council about nuisance noise but this might be very provocative and also hard to prove. What should we do?”

Many Mumsnet users jumped to the woman’s defence, claiming that the neighbours were, in fact, the unreasonable ones.

One user said: “The neighbours are selfish and inconsiderate. Why would they think other people would want to listen to the chimes?”

Another neighbour said that they didn’t know what they would do in her situation but it would “p*** me right off too”.

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Large cymbals.

One user claimed unless the chimes were large cymbals, it was likely nothing could be done. (Image: GETTY)

Others thought that the complaints were overblown and said the woman should just get used to the “nice” noise.

One said: “My neighbour has wind chimes but I think they sound quite nice? The most likely solution is for you to find a way to adjust to the noise.”

Another agreed, pointing out that the wind chimes were not “large cymbals”, although they did concede that the residents next door were being “unneighbourly”.

They said: “They're one of those things that you have to put up with - it's annoying and they might be being unneighbourly, but that's not a crime. Unless they're large cymbals I doubt they'd get anywhere near the threshold of being a nuisance noise.”

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