Readers fume at ‘completely outdated’ TV licence fee – ‘Time to join the 21st century’

EXPRESS.CO.UK readers agree that the TV licence fee is an "unfair tax", a new poll has found.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Gregory Campbell questions Nadine Dorries on TV licence fee

Former BBC boss Greg Dyke slammed the TV licence fee as "unfair" and an "unsatisfactory tax" earlier this week. The former director-general of the BBC from 2000-2004 said he thought that because the TV licence fee cost the same for all members of the public, it was not fair.

He shared his assessment of the licence fee on  Tuesday to the Lords Communications and Digital Committee as evidence during an inquiry considering the future of the BBC’s funding.

Mr Dyke said: “I have always been of the view that the licence fee has always been an unsatisfactory tax and it is an unsatisfactory tax largely because it costs the same if you are the poor or the rich.” 

He continued: “No one would invent the licence fee today. The idea I would come in here and say ‘I’ve got this great idea, we are going to charge people £150 a year so they can receive radio and television’, we would be laughed out the room.

“But if you are going to get rid of it, you have to have something better to fund the BBC.

"It could be there is a method which says part of it is a licence and part of it is that the BBC could make more money.” 

As a result, readers were asked if they agreed with Mr Dyke.

In a poll that ran from 3pm on Wednesday, May 18, to 1pm on Saturday, May 21, asked: “Do you think the BBC licence fee is an ‘unfair tax’?”

A total of 4,164 people cast their votes with the dominant response, winning by a landslide of 97 percent (4,022 people), being “yes”, the BBC licence fee is an “unfair tax”.

A further three percent (133 people) answered “no” and just nine people said they did not know either way. 

Dozens of comments were left below the accompanying article as readers shared their thoughts on the licence fee. 

Most readers were against the licence fee with one reader, username Pino72u writing: “Definitely get rid of it. It’s antiquated.”

Username kazzauk said: “Yes scrap it, there is no longer just a few tv channels available, the world has moved on.”

TV licence bill and remote

Readers fume at ‘completely outdated’ TV licence fee – ‘Time to join the 21st century’ (Image: PA and Dennis Fischer/Getty)

Username ColinKnight wrote: “It's a completely outdated tax, and much like the separate radio licence went some 50 years ago, it is time for the TV Licence to also go.”

And username DJ777 said: “Once upon a time the BBC stood alone. Now it is one among many and has no reason to impose a licence tax to those who watch something else. Time for it to join the 21st century, the quicker the better.”

The licence fee costs £159 per household each year and until August 2020, all over-75s had the fee waived.

Some readers felt that a subscription would be fairer as people could choose what they wanted to watch.

Greg Dyke

Former BBC boss Greg Dyke slammed the TV licence fee as ‘unfair’ (Image: Tristan Fewings/Getty)

Username ScrapBBC said: “Not only unfair, immoral. BBC should be honest and go to subscription only.”

 Username Bunnykins wrote: “I would prefer to just pay for what I actually watch. I'm happy to pay for Netflix and Prime because I watch them. BBC I don't. Make it a subscription and work for the money.”

Another, username Greeneyz said: “It's unfair because it is compulsory rather than a voluntary payment for a service that is wanted.” 

And username Islands said: “The TV tax is morally wrong. If you want to watch any TV service you are expected to also fund one that you neither will watch or approve of.”

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BBC licence fee over the last decade

BBC licence fee over the last decade (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Meanwhile, username Flipper9900 said: “If the BBC is that good let them prove it, put it on subscription, then those that want it can pay for it those that don't don't have to as they won't be able to get it.”

Username ScotsLass wrote: “Nobody should be forced to pay for a service they don't use. Yet to watch other channels I have to pay the BBC.”

However, username ## said: “The licence fee is the best value for money charge in modern broadcasting.” 

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries announced earlier this year that the licence fee will be frozen for the next two years and intends to replace the “completely outdated” model after 2027.

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