'Indicates chemo brain' Putin behaviour points to cancer side effect, says expert

PUTIN's invasion of Ukraine may be explained by a cancer-related cognitive impairment known as "chemo brain", according to an oncologist.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

A bloated Putin hosts virtual Russian security council meeting

Other theories about health have included Parkinson’s or early-stage dementia, but multiple analysts say he may have started cancer treatment before the invasion.

"Chemo- brain" is a common side effect those receiving treatment for cancer may suffer. Individuals suffering from the condition can make “crazy” decisions without thinking them through.

The Kremlin says that Putin is fit, however, many have noted that Putin has looked unwell in recent months. He has appeared "puffy" or bloated recently, something an oncologist said could be a result of steroids or chemotherapy drugs.

The oncologist, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said: "For some it's simply knocking into things, being a bit clumsier and forgetting names, places and faces.

"But in others, it can seriously affect executive functions, like making plans for the future, multi-tasking and thinking about the consequences before doing something major."

Putin's health: A bloated Putin with hospital equipment in the background.

Putin's recent appearance has led to questions about his health. (Image: GETTY)

Putin health: Putin looking bloated on a yellow background.

Putin's bloated look could be a result of chemotherapy drugs, according to an oncologist. (Image: GETTY)

Speaking to The Mirror, she added: "It can also lead to a much shorter attention span, and losing focus on tasks - especially if you are having to deal with many things at once and are in a position of some responsibility."

She noted that Putin’s puffy face could indicate water retention caused by steroids and chemotherapy drugs and that Putin appeared to be struggling for balance and losing focus, both symptoms of “chemo brain”.

She said “chemo brain” affected approximately eight in 10 of those undergoing chemotherapy.

The news comes as an unnamed Russian oligarch claimed Putin is “very ill with blood cancer”.

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Putin's health: Putin and one of his generals at Russia's victory day parade.

"Chemo brain" can lead to irrational decisions and impaired judgement. (Image: GETTY)

Putins health: Putin and French President Macron sitting across a long table.

Putin's strict coronavirus precautions have led some to speculate that he is unwell. (Image: GETTY)

The oligarch said, in a recording obtained by New Lines Magazine, that Putin had “absolutely ruined Russia’s economy, Ukraine’s economy and many other economies”.

The oligarch continued to say that “we all hope” Putin dies of cancer and said “the problem is all in his head”.

Ukrainian Military Intelligence Chief General Kyrylo Budanov echoed the oligarch's assessment. Speaking to Sky News he said the Russian leader was ill with blood cancer and in a bad way psychologically and physically.

Dismissing allegations that he was spreading propaganda, he said: "It's my job, it's my work, if not me who will know this?"

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Putin's health: A chart detailing Putin's reign in Russia.

Putin is the longest reigning Russian leader since Joseph Stalin. (Image: Express Politics)

The NHS states that cancer-related cognitive impairment or “chemo brain” can be caused by a number of factors including the cancer itself and treatments like radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Symptoms include memory loss, difficulty concentrating and multi-tasking and difficulty learning new facts.

There are limited treatments including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, and research around the subject is ongoing.

The NHS recommends someone suffering from “chemo brain” keep their life as simple as possible and write down tasks and errands on a notepad.

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