Javid scraps ALL Plan B Covid measures in UK breakthrough - but reveals horror stat

HEALTH Secretary Sajid Javid has held a press conference to update the UK on the new coronavirus rules announced by Boris Johnson.

By Rebecca PerringTara Fair, News Editor

Sajid Javid says UK should be ‘proud’ as Plan B lifted

Mr Javid celebrated that Britain "pursued a different path" in the pandemic which allowed them to return to Plan A measures while Europe remains in lockdown. However, the good news was followed by the startling statistic that one-third of all Covid infections has come in the last eight-week period. He warned that there would be "bumps in the road ahead" because "we cannot eliminate the virus". But he commended the work of British scientists and the sacrifices made by Britons which led us to this relaxation of rules. 

England has entered "the next chapter in this country's fight against COVID-19", but the pandemic is a "marathon, not a sprint", Mr Javid stressed. 

Dr Susan Hopkins, chief medical adviser for the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), told the conference that there is currently 703 patients in mechanical ventilator beds in England - "much, much lower" than the wave last January.

Responding to a question from ITV on whether there will be no restrictions from the end of March, Mr Javid said: "I will come back in the Spring and set out how we will live with Covid."

The Government needs to "find a way" to "get life back to normal" and "vaccinations will remain hugely important", alongside testing.

He stressed that the "pharmaceutical defences" will be "the cornerstone of our future defences".

The announcement comes after Mr Johnson told MPs in the House of Commons more than 90 percent of over-60s across the UK have now had booster vaccines to protect them, and scientists believed the Omicron wave has peaked.

In signs the UK is closer to end of the pandemic, people will no longer be told to work from home and, from Thursday next week when Plan B measures lapse, mandatory Covid passes will end.

The Tory leader said the legal requirement for people with coronavirus to self-isolate will also be allowed to lapse when the regulations expire on March 24, and that date could be brought forward.

When it comes to face masks, the Government will no longer make people wear them anywhere from next Thursday and they will be scrapped in classrooms from this Thursday, with school communal areas to follow.

Sajid Javid will hold a press conference at 5pm today

Sajid Javid will hold a press conference at 5pm today (Image: Getty)

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More than 90 percent of over-60s across the UK have now had booster vaccines to protect them (Image: GETTY )

Mr Johnson signalled his intention to start treating COVID-19 more like flu, saying: "There will soon come a time when we can remove the legal requirement to self-isolate altogether, just as we don't place legal obligations on people to isolate if they have flu.

"As Covid becomes endemic, we will need to replace legal requirements with advice and guidance, urging people with the virus to be careful and considerate of others."

His announcement comes after Mr Javid told MPs on Tuesday that he was "cautiously optimistic that we will be able to substantially reduce restrictions next week".

READ MORE: Welcome news of a flourishing Britain, says LEO MCKINSTRY

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The legal requirement for people with coronavirus to self-isolate will also be allowed to lapse (Image: GETTY )

The bonfire of Covid regulations could help appease Mr Johnson's Tory critics at a time when the Prime Minister has been under pressure over Downing Street parties during the height of coronavirus lockdowns. 

Mr Javid was asked how Boris Johnson can stay in his role as Prime Minister after admitting he attended a Downing Street garden drinks party for "25 minutes".

The health secretary replied by acknowledging the "pain and anger" felt by the public but insisted it is important to wait until the conclusions of Sue Gray's review.

It comes after Covid infection levels fell in most parts of the UK for the first time since early December, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

Mr Johnson said the data showed that while there are some places where cases are likely to continue rising, including in primary schools, "our scientists believe it is likely that the Omicron wave has now peaked nationally".

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People will no longer be required to wear a face mask (Image: GETTY )

He added: "There remain, of course, significant pressures on the NHS across our country, and especially in the North East and North West, but hospital admissions which were doubling every nine days just two weeks ago have now stabilised, with admissions in London even falling.

"The numbers in intensive care not only remain low but are actually also falling."

On the use of face masks going forward, Mr Johnson said: "In the country at large, we will continue to suggest the use of face coverings in enclosed or crowded spaces, particularly when you come into contact with people you don't normally meet, but we will trust the judgment of the British people and no longer criminalise anyone who chooses not to wear one."

The ONS data shows that one in 20 people in private households in England is estimated to have had coronavirus in the week to January 15.

That's around three million people nationally, down from 3.7 million in the week to January 6.

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Sajid Javid will discuss the decision to drop Plan B restrictions (Image: GETTY )

Sarah Crofts, head of analytical outputs for the ONS COVID-19 Infection Survey, said: "Our latest figures show a welcome decrease in infections across most parts of the UK and among all age groups, apart from younger children."

Mr Johnson also told MPs the Government now intended to set out its "long-term strategy for living with Covid-19", adding: "Explaining how we hope and intend to protect our liberty and avoid restrictions in future by relying instead on medical advances, especially the vaccines which have already saved so many lives.

"But to make that possible we must all remain cautious during these last weeks of winter. There are still over 16,000 people in hospital in England alone.

"The pandemic is not over."

The Prime Minister pointed to comments made earlier this week by Dr David Nabarro, a special envoy of the World Health Organisation, that the UK can see light at the end of the tunnel.

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UK coronavirus map live (Image: EXPRESS)

He said: "Confronted by the nation's biggest challenge since the Second World War, and the worst pandemic since 1918, any government would get some things wrong - but this Government got the big things right."

The Royal College of Nursing said, however, that dropping Plan B would do "nothing to ease the pressure on the NHS".

In Scotland, around one in 20, or 236,000 people, is estimated to have had Covid-19 last week, down from 297,400.

For Northern Ireland, the latest estimate is also one in 20, but the number of people testing positive is up slightly from 99,200 to 104,300, with the ONS describing the trend there as "uncertain".

Meanwhile, in Wales, the estimate is one in 25, or 112,100 people, down from 169,100.

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