Step 2 rules in full: All the restrictions you need to know - what is Step 2?

STEP 2 is a method of restrictions the Prime Minister is said to be considering as the Omicron variant spreads through the UK - but what exactly does Step 2 entail?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Covid-19: Ministers reportedly resisting calls for extra measures

As soar across the UK, experts have been urging the Government to do more to stem the spread of the virus. As yet no further restrictions have been implemented, but one thing which we could soon see is Step 2. But what exactly is Step 2?

Speaking tonight, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has ruled out immediately implementing new coronavirus restrictions.

The Prime Minister did say the Government would not hesitate to take further action, adding they were monitoring the data hour by hour.

He said: "We will have to reserve the possibility of taking further action to protect the public, to protect public health, to protect our NHS".

He urged Brits: "Please exercise caution as you go about your lives."

Today, the UK recorded 91,743 new Covid cases - the second-highest daily total on record.

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Step 2 rules in full: Boris Johnson

Step 2 rules in full: All the restrictions you need to know (Image: GETTY)

Step 2 rules in full: Map of UK cases

Step 2 rules in full: Covid cases are continuing to grow (Image: EXPRESS)

Tweeting today, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) confirmed 8,044 new Omicron cases had been declared - putting the total figure at 45,145 in the UK.

Now the possibility of further restrictions, in the form of Step 2, could be put in place after Christmas.

The Mirror reports Step 2 restrictions could be put in place from after Christmas, and could potentially remain in place for a month.

The Mirror's Political Editor Pippa Crerar tweeted: "Hearing that Boris Johnson is considering going back to step 2 restrictions from Dec 27 - so POST Christmas - for a month to help curb infections.

Step 2 rules in full: Boris Johnson Covid

Step 2 rules in full: Mr Johnson said he was reserving the possibility of further measures (Image: SKY NEWS)

"Big caveat is that Govt scientists want him to act now - while some in Cabinet worried about further restrictions even later."

The UK first saw Step 2 rules implemented in April 2021, as the country began to unlock after the strict winter lockdown.

The measures include banning household mixing and the rule of six enforced when meeting outdoors.

Restaurants, pubs and bars remained open but could only serve people outdoors.

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Non-essential retail remained open, as did hairdressers, nail salons and public buildings like community centres.

Brits could head away to holiday spots like campsites and holiday rentals - as long as there was no mixing of households.

There were limits in place for funerals, with only 30 people permitted to attend, while weddings, receptions and wakes were restricted to 15.

Speaking today Mr Johnson urged the public to get vaccinated and get their boosters in a bid to stave off the spread of coronavirus.

See the latest Covid vaccine stats below and visit InYourArea for all the Covid vaccine latest

He also said Brits had "naturally" opted to stay in more in recent weeks with the news of Omicron.

He said: "I understand how tough it must be and nobody wanted things to go this way.

"Omicron has simply exploded so fast that we have seen people naturally deciding to make sure that they protect themselves and they avoid spreading the disease."

He added: "As I said, the benefits of that course of action we may see in the next few days and weeks in the way we are able to contain the disease.

"It is important we act cautiously but it is also important we look after the hospitality industry, the theatres and other parts of our incredible entertainment industry which have suffered and are suffering."

The emphasis is on getting vaccinated against COVID-19, with Prime Minister urging Brits to do their bit and get jabbed as soon as possible.

This weekend saw a record day for booster jabs, with more than 900,000 vaccines given on Saturday.

Data showed 904,598 people were given a third dose of the coronavirus vaccine, with 44,599 people getting their second jab and 37,492 administered their first.

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