Question Time: Hung out to dry! Inexperienced MP rolled out after tough Tory week

SEEMINGLY inexperienced vaccine and public health minister Maggie Throup came under fire from an audience member as she scrambled to defend Number 10's alleged Christmas party during lockdown last year.

By Tara Fair, News Editor

Question Time audience member asks 'is Boris Johnson okay?'

Boris Johnson has been under significant pressure this week after being accused of flouting Covid restrictions last Christmas by hosting a party at Downing Street. It was reported that between 40 and 50 officials attended a party whilst the rest of the country was in lockdown. In response to the allegations, a No.10 spokesperson said "Covid rules had been followed at all times". Entrepreneur Theo Paphitis, Thangam Debbonairs, Wendy Chamberlain, Peter Openshaw all joined the Question Time panel which saw Ms Throup take the brunt of the public's anger. 


Additional reporting Francesca Edwards and Jack Walters.

Question Time LIVE: Hung out to dry! Inexperienced MP rolled out after tough Tory week

Question Time LIVE: Hung out to dry! Inexperienced MP rolled out after tough Tory week (Image: Getty)

‘Makes me sick!’ BBC Question Time audience slams Tory MP

A BBC Question Time audience member has taken aim at vaccine minister Maggie Throup in a brutal condemnation of the Conservative Party's alleged lockdown breaking party. 

According to the UK Government, tier three restrictions indicated there was a “very high alert” which forbids household mixing. 

In yesterday’s Question Time episode, one audience member explained how angry she was that she was unable to see her parents last Christmas.

“It makes me sick,” she said.


'Not a credible alternative' QT audience member slams Starmer's Labour after reshuffle

A Question Time audience member said: "People talk about a one party nation but is that not simple because, let's be honest, there really isn't much of a credible alternative and there hasn't been for years."

Labour’s Shadow Commons Leader Thangam Debbonaire, 55, replied: "I obviously disagree."

The Bristol West MP highlighted how Labour had forced the Conservatives to perform U-turns.

Ms Debbonaire also looked forward to Yvette Cooper's upcoming jostles with Priti Patel. 

Tory MP says 'Governments are stronger with strong opposition'

Tory MP Maggie Throup, 64, made the comment while discussing the Labour Party's recent reshuffle.

However, she added: "Time will tell if the new Shadow Cabinet is stronger than the previous one."

'Situation politicised!' Theo Paphitis challenges handing of Channel crossing crisis

Theo Paphitis, 62, warned the Channel crossing crisis has been politicised by France and the UK. 

He said: "I think it is a very sad situation because it has now been politicised and we are now talking about men, children, women, bodies floating in the Channel, in this day and age and we are politicising by sending letters to world leaders that we Tweet and that is what they got offended about.

"It is the lack of treating it seriously.

"I am quite sickened because, you know, it is not a UK problem and it is not a French problem and it is not a European problem, this is a world problem and we have got to tackle it together because as far as I am aware Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan are not in the EU, so it is not about bash EU, or let's bash the French, unless we work together and not use the whole tragedy as a political pawn, which quite sickens me, to be honest with you, we are never going to deal with it."

'Unedifying!' Lib Dem MP slams Macron and Johnson's Channel crossing spat

Liberal Democrat MP Wendy Chamberlain, 44, said: "I do think the dispute between Macron and Johnson is particularly unedifying, particularly when this week on the news we have seen the faces and the families of those people who have lost their lives."

The North East Fife MP added: Where I disagree with Maggie is, you know, Priti Patel has been in charge of this situation for two years and frankly everything that this Government seems to have done has made the situation worse.Ms Chamberlain then claimed the UK Government had made the journey even more perilous by taking away "safe and legal routes" for asylum seekers.

'You're a scientist!' Theo Paphitis questions Tory mask-wearing plans

Theo Paphitis, 62, has challenged Conservative MP Maggie Throup, 64, over mask-wearing in pubs. 

The Erewash MP said the Government mandated face-coverings in shops in an attempt to protect the economy.

But Mr Paphitis said: "That doesn't make sense, does it?" 

He added: "Maggie, you're a scientist.

"You know that's nonsense."

The ex-Dragons' Den star highlighted how little sense it made for pub-goers not to be forced to wear masks when they are sitting next to people for half an hour. 

But the Tory MP called on people to get their booster jabs if they want to protect the economy from future restrictions.

'Doesn't benefit us!' Labour MP calls on Government to dish out more vaccines

Labour’s Shadow Commons Leader Thangam Debbonaire, 55, claimed the UK Government must do more to hand out vaccines and prevent the spread of COVID-19 around the world.

Appearing on the Question Time panel in Weston-super-Mare, she said: "The economy suffers if Covid runs rampant.

"It's not a simple case of if we shut things down the economy is damaged and therefore we shouldn't shut things down."

The Bristol West MP added: "I think it is astonishing Labour's Gordon Brown said last year 'We need an international partnership to make sure people are vaccinated everywhere', look what happens when we don't achieve that.

"The Government said they were going to get 30million vaccines sent abroad by the end of this year, my understanding is it is only 11.5million doses that have gone out so far."

She went on to warn: "None of us are going to be safe from this virus until the entire world has got a grip and we are going to have to help each other.

"It doesn't benefit us just to hoard all the vaccines."

'We have got an economy!' Theo Paphitis warns UK must remember economy in response to COVID-19

Theo Paphitis, 62, warned the UK must look after the economy in response to a question about the need to introduce travel restrictions. 

"We have got an economy after as well," he said.

"There will be life after Covid, for most people anyway, as long as we're sensible."

The ex-Dragons' Den star went on to claim it was not "Tory bashing" to express such concerns.

Instead, the 62-year-old suggested the Government need to provide "clear guidance".

"All we are getting," he claimed, "is Peppa Pig and spin and that just is not good enough."

Travel restrictions will not stop variants spreading, says Professor

Professor Peter Openshaw said travel restrictions will not prevent the new Omicron variant from spreading. 

When asked if all non-essential travel should be postponed until Spring Professor Openshaw said he would be "reducing my own travel to what is absolutely essential". 

He said: "By the time we detect a variant, it is probably spreading

"The benefit of reducing the amount of travel will give us more time to find out more about how this variant behaves.

"The purpose of travel restrictions is to slow it down and by time but it's not going to stop it completely.

"We need to take all precautions we can to spread during travel which means a lot of testing and a lot of mask-wearing."

'Government is not treating this seriously'

Theo Paphitis said he is "concerned that the Government is not treating this seriously". 

The entrepreneur confirmed that his team have cancelled their Christmas party as they "really can't take the risk". 

He added: "The problem we have got of course if the lack of information. 

"They are contradictory in everything they saying. Whichever minister you speak to you get a different answer so we can't actually tell so the best thing is to be safe."

MP dismisses No.10 Christmas party as 'rumour'

Maggie Throup has refused to answer whether there was a Christmas party at Downing Street last Christmas dismissing it as a "rumour".

She told the Question Time audience "I am not aware of the Christmas party.

"Number ten is a workplace and I have been reassured that all guidance was carefully followed".

Professor Peter Openshaw who is also on the panel went on to say he "would not feel safe" attending a party right now.

Alastair Campbell hands Starmer blueprint to remove Boris Johnson as PM

Alistair Campbell has called out the government for the alleged "No 10 Xmas party", encouraging Labour to appoint an MP to campaign against the reported breach of the rules.

He urged Sir Keir Starmer party to "create media and political pressure in every Tory seat", calling the campaign "One Rule For Them. Them v Us."

The former press secretary to Tony Blair also urged voters and MPs to take part in a national campaign, by writing to their local MP to explain why they are angry about the alleged breach and then post their replies online.

Read more here.

By-election results to come in overnight

Voters have been to the polls today in a district on the outskirts of London to elect a new MP. 

Conservatives are likely to retain in Old Bexley and Sidcup in the by-election made necessary by the death of former MP James Brokenshire. 

The district has voted for the Conservatives since sites creation in 1983. 

The results are expected to come in in the early hours of Friday.

'To party or not to party'

Fiona Bruce said one of the main questions to be asked in tonight's Question Time is "to party or not to party" in the run-up to Christmas

Earlier today Boris Johnson said people do not need to cancel their festive plans urging the public to "continue as they are" within the new measures. 

The Prime Minister said: "I think we're taking a balanced and proportionate approach to the risk, but I want and I believe that Christmas this year will be considerably better than Christmas last year."

He was speaking after business minister George Freeman appeared to muddy the waters by suggesting parties may depend on how many people are attending.

Angela Rayner calls for another investigation into Tories

Deputy Labour leader Angela Rayner has sent a letter to the Government's top civil servant asking if the Met Police will investigate the allegations of lockdown parities at Downing Street. 

This is the tenth letter she has sent in under a month calling for investigations into the Conservatives. 

In her letter, she said: "This Government is undermining public health messaging with their actions and we cannot let this go on unchecked.

"It cannot be that the Prime Minister believes there to be a set of rules for the public and a totally different set of rules for himself".

Read more here.

Tonight's lineup

Fiona Bruce will be joined by a studio audience in Weston-super-Mare for tonight's panel. 

Tonight's lineup includes entrepreneur and former dragon Theo Paphitis, Wendy Chamberlain MP, Professor Peter Openshaw, and vaccines and public health minister Maggie Throup.

The show begins at 10.35pm tonight on BBC One.

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