Covid variants in UK: Chart shows how many of each strain discovered in Britain

COVID VARIANTS spreading in the UK remain one of the top concerns in the pandemic, with the lockdown roadmap listing variants as one of the four tests for restrictions to ease. Now a new chart has shown how many of each strain are in the UK.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Boris Johnson announces further lifting of lockdown rules

Speaking from Downing Street today, Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirmed lockdown restrictions will ease yet further on May 17 as planned, meaning indoor socialisation can take place, with social contact permitted. The Government is closely monitoring Covid data across the UK, with specific tests in place to allow for the unlocking of the country going forward.

These four tests include the number of people with COVID-19 in the UK, hospitalisations and deaths from the virus, vaccination rate and variants of concern in the UK.

In a series of slides, Professor Chris Whitty outlined each of the tests and the data the Government currently has.

Among this was the number of coronavirus strains in the UK.

The slides showed there were five variants of coronavirus currently in the UK, with the Kent variant the most prolific.

Read More: Covid travel plans leave UK wide open to new variants - scientists

Covid variants in UK: Chart shows how many of each strain in UK

Covid variants in UK: Chart shows how many of each strain in UK (Image: PA/ PHE)

Covid variants in UK: Press conference

Covid variants in UK: Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced rules would relax as planned on May 17 (Image: PA)

Speaking about coronavirus variants, Professor Whitty said the variant first detected in India is one "we need to keep quite a close eye on".

He said: "This is actually spreading from very small amounts but it is beginning to spread in certain parts of the country and we need to keep quite a close eye on this.

"So the point about this is: the threats are significantly reduced but there are still some residual issues that we need to keep a very close eye on and therefore we need to go carefully and steadily, as the Prime Minister has said."

The Indian variant is "of concern" Public Health England has said, with most recent cases found in London and the North West of England.

Covid variants in UK:

Covid variants in UK: The slides showed there were five variants of coronavirus currently in the UK (Image: PHE)

Variants in the UK

B.1.1.7 (Kent, UK) - 233,430 cases

B.1.351 (South Africa) - 782 cases

P1 (Japan ex Manaus, Brazil) - 94 cases

B.1.1.7 with E484K (Bristol, UK) - 43 cases

B.1.617.2 (India) - 520 cases

The chart also showed the change since April 28, with the Kent variant and Indian variant both increasing significantly over the past week.

The Kent variant had seen numbers grow by 6,795 since April 18, while the Indian variant had grown by 318 cases in the same time frame.

Professor Chris Whitty said it is not yet known whether the Indian variant could cause problems in autumn.

He said: "What we know is, with all the variants, that things can come out of a blue sky and you're not expecting it and then something happens."

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Covid variants in UK: Chris Whitty

Covid variants in UK: Professor Chris Whitty said the variant first detected in India is one 'we need to keep quite a close eye on' (Image: PA)

Speaking about the B.1.617.2 variant first detected in India, he said: "It has gone up very sharply and I think that's a reason for us to be very careful about it."

He said the current thinking is that it is "highly transmissible", at least as transmissible as the B.1.1.7 variant (first detected in Kent) and possibly more but that is not yet known.

He added: "At this point in time our view is it is less likely to be able to escape vaccination than some of the other variants, particularly the South African one, but the data are not properly in there so I think, you know, we need to be cautious until we've seen clear data that give us an answer one way or the other."

He said: "Of course we don't know whether this is going to cause significant problems in the autumn."

Prof Whitty said the way to deal with it is to continue with the work already being done in terms of identifying cases, isolating those cases and carrying on with the vaccine rollout.

He said there needs to be the capacity to pick up variants and "revaccinate as necessary when the autumn comes".

He added: "The way to minimise the number of variants that circulate is obviously to get on top of this as a global problem and that is something which all of us are absolutely determined to support."

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