Rule of 6 exemptions: Does the rule of 6 include babies?

THE RULE OF SIX will be clamped down on to halt the spread of coronavirus as cases dangerously climb it was announced on Tuesday. But does the rule of six include babies?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

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Cases of have dangerously spiked across the UK over the past few weeks, with the country in the grips of a second wave of the virus. On Tuesday, Prime Minister addressed the House of Commons to reveal the measures the Government would be taking to halt the spread of the virus.

This afternoon Mr Johnson called on office workers to work from home where possible and said from Monday no more than 15 people will be able to attend wedding ceremonies and receptions, in a tightening of the “rule of six”.

Mr Johnson said: "We will also have to extend the rule of six to all adult indoor team sports.

"Finally we have to acknowledge that the spread of the virus is now affecting our ability to reopen business conferences, exhibitions and large sporting events, so we will not be able to do this from 1st October and I recognise the implications for our sports clubs which are the life and soul of our communities."

He added: "These rules will be enforced by tighter penalties... the penalty for failing to wear a mask or breaking the rule of six will now double to £200 for a first offence."

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Rule of 6 exemptions: Man holding baby

Rule of 6 exemptions: Does the rule of 6 include babies? (Image: GETTY)

He warned the Government would not be afraid to initiate stricter measures should the infection rates fail to fall - however he did not want to do this.

Mr Johnson also said people working in retail, those travelling in taxis, and staff and customers in indoor hospitality except while seated at a table to eat or drink would have to wear face coverings.

But does the rule of six include children?

For households with several children, babies or large extended families, the rules have thrown up some confusion.

However, the Government guidelines are clear, and state no groups can meet in numbers higher than six.

The rule of six includes people of any age, so a child will be counted as one of those six.

The Cabinet Office confirmed this to

Rule of 6 exemptions: woman holding baby

Rule of 6 exemptions: Babies are not exempt from the rules (Image: GETTY)

Rule of 6 exemptions: Woman with pushchair

Rule of 6 exemptions: Children will count as one of the six the Government has confirmed (Image: GETTY)

The rules apply across England in any setting either indoors and outdoors, at home or a pub.

Speaking from Downing Street when the rule of six was first announced earlier this month, Mr Johnson said people "must not meet socially in groups of more than six - and if you do, you will be breaking the law."

There are some "limited" exemptions to the rule, however.

Single households or a support bubble which is larger than six are still allowed to meet.

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COVID-secure venues such as places of worship, gyms, restaurants and hospitality settings can still hold groups of more than six in total.

However, Mr Johnson cautioned "there must not be individual groups larger than six and groups must not mix socially or form larger groups."

Education and work settings are not affected by the new rules, so schools and daycares can continue as normal - as can offices.

The rules also state weddings and funerals can go ahead, with a limit of up to 30 people for funerals and 15 for weddings.

Rule of 6 exemptions: Children in classroom

Rule of 6 exemptions: The rules don't extend to schools and daycare (Image: GETTY)

This is with the proviso any such events are held in a COVID-secure way.

Mr Johnson told the press conference: "This rule of six will, of course, throw up difficult cases.

"For example, two whole households will no longer be able to meet if they would exceed the limit of six people.

"I am sorry about that. I wish that we did not have to take this step but as your prime minister, I must do what is necessary to stop the spread of the virus and to save lives."

In order to enforce these rules, new COVID-safe marshals are being recruited across England.

These marshals will ensure social distancing is adhered to across towns and cities, calling on the police to deal with any rule breakers.

Mr Johnson said anyone breaking the new rules risks being "dispersed, fined and possibly arrested".

Failure to stick to the new rules could mean a £100 fine, which will double with every subsequent offence up to £3,200.

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