Face mask rules: How much can you be fined for not wearing face a mask?

BRITONS must wear facemasks in shops it has been announced, but how much is the fine for not wearing face masks?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Face masks: Matt Hancock hits out at Labour's lack of 'clarity'

Shoppers in England will have to wear face coverings in shops and supermarkets from July 24 it has been announced. Prime Minister Boris Johnson's office revealed the move is to help reduce the risk of a new pick-up in the spread of the coronavirus.

Mr Johnson said last week tighter rules on wearing face coverings might be needed.

However, a senior minister - Cabinet Secretary Michael Gove - said on Sunday that wearing masks should be left instead to people's common sense.

A spokesperson for Johnson's Downing Street office said on Monday: "The prime minister has been clear that people should be wearing face coverings in shops and we will make this mandatory from July 24."

Britain has Europe's highest coronavirus death toll, with almost 45,000 confirmed deaths.

Read More: Travel news: Which countries will you have to wear a face mask in?

Face mask fines: Boris Johnson wearing a facemask

Face mask fines: New rules have been put in place in England (Image: GETTY)

How much is the fine for not wearing a mask in shops?

People who fail to wear a face-covering will face a fine of up to £100.

This is in line with existing fines for people who do not cover their face on public transport.

The fine will fall to £50 if paid within 14 days.

Face mask rules: Boris Johnson

Face mask rules: Boris Johnson was seen wearing a facemask when out in public today (Image: GETTY)

In Scotland, as well as other countries such as Germany, Spain, Italy and Greece it is already compulsory to wear face coverings inside shops.

The opposition Labour Party criticised Mr Johnson's government for not moving sooner in England.

Labour health spokesman Jonathan Ashworth said: "Given the government's own guidance issued on May 11 advised in favour of face masks, many will ask why yet again have ministers been slow in making a decision ... and why it'll take another 11 days before these new guidelines come into force."

Today Mr Johnson visited the London Ambulance Service and during his time there urged Britons to wear facemasks as much as possible.

ITV GMB's Dr Hilary Jones blasts decision to wait 11 days on masks [VIDEO]
How effective are face masks? And do face coverings REALLY work? [EXPLAINED]
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He said: "They have a great deal of value in confined spaces where you're coming into contact with people you don't normally meet.

"The scientific evaluation of face coverings and their importance on stopping aerosol droplets, that's been growing, so I do think that in shops it is very important to wear a face-covering if you're going to be in a confined space and you want to protect other people and receive protection in turn.”

Currently, in England, it is compulsory to wear face masks if visiting hospitals and GPs, and when travelling on public transport. 

From July 24, face masks will be mandatory when nipping to the shops.

Face mask rules: Two men wearing masks

Face mask rules: Going to the shops will mean wearing a mask from July 24 (Image: GETTY)

The Government has been urging people to wear face coverings in confined spaces such as shops since early May and they have already been made compulsory on public transport in England since mid-June.

The regulations will be made under the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984, and enforcement of the regulations will be the responsibility of the police.

While shop workers will be asked to encourage compliance, retailers and businesses will not be expected to enforce them.

As is the case on public transport, children under 11 and those with certain disabilities will be exempt.

London mayor Sadiq Khan, who has been pushing for face coverings to be made mandatory, said ministers should not wait until July 24.

He said: "It's a disgrace that there's been days of mixed messages and confused communications from ministers. We can't afford to wait another day and the Government should bring this policy in immediately - further delay risks lives."

The president of the Royal Society, Dr Venki Ramakrishnan, said the evidence was now "quite strongly in favour" of using face coverings in enclosed spaces where people are likely to come into contact with strangers.

He told ITV's Good Morning Britain: "I think that the Government should be very clear.

"It's not consistent to make it mandatory on public transport and not make it mandatory in other enclosed and busy public spaces, because the behaviour of the virus is the same in all of these spaces."

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