Donald Trump speech IN FULL: Watch Donald Trump and Theresa May speech HERE

DONALD TRUMP this afternoon hosted a press conference with Prime Minister Theresa May after a morning of meetings. Here is what was said by the US President in full.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

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Donald Trump has spent the morning with Theresa May, first attending a breakfast meeting with business leader before heading to 10 Downing Street. Mr Trump and his wife Melania met with Mrs May and her husband Philip for photos outside Downing Street before disappearing inside for meetings. After the press conference, Mrs May and Mr Trump will visit the Churchill War Rooms with their partners.

Here is what was said during the press conference

On Monday night’s state banquet: "We want to thank her majesty the Queen, who I had a lovely dinner with last night. A fantastic person, fantastic woman."

On defence spending: The President said: "The United Kingdom is also a key partner in NATO. The prime minister and I agree that our NATO allies must increase their defence spending, we've both been working very hard to that end.

“We expect a growing number of nations to meet the minimum 2percent of GDP requirement. To address today's challenges, all members of the alliance must fulfil their obligations. They have no choice."

He said: "I want to thank the people of the United Kingdom for their service and partnership in our campaign to defeat Isis.

Donald Trump speech in full

Donald Trump speech in full: The President has spoken with press this afternoon (Image: GETTY)

"The United Kingdom is also a key partner in Nato. The Prime Minister and I agree that our Nato allies must increase their defence spending. They have no choice, they must fulfil their obligations."

The president also reaffirmed his opposition to Iran's nuclear capability, saying: "The United States and the United Kingdom are determined to ensure that Iran never develops nuclear weapons and stops supporting and engaging in terrorism."

On post-Brexit trade deal he said: “As the UK makes preparations to exit the European Union, the United States is committed to a phenomenal trade deal between the US and the UK.

"There is tremendous potential in that trade deal, I say probably two and even three times of what we are doing right now."

On Brexit "I would think it will happen and it probably should happen. This is a great, great country and it wants its own identity, it wants to have its own borders, it wants to run its own affairs.

"This is a very, very special place."

On Jeremy Corbyn, the President said he refused to meet the Labour leader describing him as a "somewhat negative force".

"I don't know Jeremy Corbyn, never met him, never spoke to him. He wanted to meet today or tomorrow and I decided that I would not do that."

"I think that he is, from where I come from, somewhat of a negative force. I think that people should look to do things correctly as opposed to criticise.

"I really don't like critics as much as I like and respect people that get things done."

Donald Trump speech in full

Donald Trump speech in full: The President thanked the Queen for the state banquet on Monday (Image: AFP)

On protests: "There were thousands of people on the streets cheering and even coming over today there were thousands of people cheering and then I heard that there were protests. 

"I said where are the protests? I don't see any protests, I did see a small protest today when I came, very small, so a lot of it is fake news."

"It was tremendous spirit and love, it was great love, it was an alliance. I didn't see the protesters until just a little while ago and it was a very, very small group of people, put in for political reasons so it was fake news."

On Huawei: Asked if the US could impose limits on intelligence sharing if the UK used Huawei infrastructure, Mr Trump said: "No, because we're gonna have absolutely an agreement on Huawei and everything else. We have an incredible intelligence relationship and we will be able to work out any differences.

"We did discuss it - I see absolutely no limitations, we've never had limitations. This is a truly great ally and partner and we'll have no problem with that."

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On Mexico, Mr Trump said: "Mexico called, they wanted to meet, they're going to meet on Wednesday."

He added that Mexico should stop the "invasion" of migrants saying: "Mexico should step up and stop this onslaught, this invasion into our country,"

On Sadiq Khan: "I think he has been a not very good mayor from what I understand.

"He has done a poor job, crime is up, a lot of problems, and I don't think he should be criticising a representative of the US that can do so much good for the UK...

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"He should be positive, not negative - he is a negative force, not a positive force.

"If you look at what he said, he hurts the people of this great country and I think he should actually focus on his job, it would be a lot better if he did that - he could straighten out some of the problems that he has caused." 

On the Conservative leadership race: "I know Boris. I like him. I have liked him for a long time. I think he would do a very good job. I know Jeremy, I think he would do a very good job."

He then asked Jeremy Hunt who was at the conference: "I don't know Michael - would he do a good job? Jeremy tell me"

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