Libby Squire missing: Hull police find screwdriver and hammer yards from last sighting

POLICE searching for Libby Squire found a screwdriver, a claw hammer and a lip gloss just 40 yards away from where the missing student was last seen.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Libby Squire search: Forensics looking for left behind items

A forensic officer in a white suit and mask found the objects today around lunchtime in the bushes near the undergrowth opposite the bench Libby sat down before vanishing, almost three days ago. Police revealed there "are a number of leads" they are following up only hours before the objects were retrieved "as a precaution" and taken away by crime scene investigators.  

This discovery comes the day after Humberside Police Superintendent Simon Gawthorpe, who is leading the search, held a press conference.

He said his officers have been out all night between Friday and Saturday searching for the 21-year-old.

Libby, a philosophy student at the University of Hull described as “very thoughtful and caring”, was last seen on CCTV at 11.45pm on Thursday on Beverley Road, close to Haworth Street.

The superintendent said that from there Libby may have walked in either direction down Beverley Road or Haworth Street. 

libby squire hull missing libbey hull news humberside police latest update

Libby Squire was last seen on Thursday night (Image: NC)

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Police retrieved 'as a precaution' the screwdriver (Image: SWNS)

Before that, Libby’s friends saw the young girl getting into a cab outside the Welly Club on Beverley Road at about 11pm and left it near her home on Wellesley Avenue.

Supt Gawthorpe said: "Over 70 officers have been out searching and speaking to friends, visiting pubs and clubs in the area and making enquiries with those who saw her during the evening.

"Officers are out again today searching and we are hoping that Libby will return safe and well.

"I urge anyone who knows anything about her whereabouts to come forward and speak to us." 

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Friends and students at the University of Hull are organising their own search party (Image: NC)

However, Libby's mother Lisa, said this morning she believes the student got back to the house and didn't wait nearby it for almost one hour. 

She said: "She got out of the taxi at her house. She was home...simple." 

Lisa's new take on her daughter's disappearance comes after someone questioned why Libby got out the taxi before arriving there. 

They wrote: "Club declined entry, friend put her in a taxi, got out of taxi before getting home, why? Motorist helped her where?"

A driver is said to have stopped his car to check if she was alright, but she said she was fine. 

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An investigator found objects in the bushes just yards from where Libby was last seen (Image: SWNS)

Police said they have questioned the driver. 

Supt Gawthorpe added police is supporting Libby’s family in this difficult moment.

He added: “We are supporting Libby's family who have described her as a very thoughtful and caring young woman who puts others before herself.

“They say this is very out of character.

"I once again urge anyone with information about Libby to come forward." 

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Libby Squire, 21, is 5ft7ins tall (Image: NC)

The superintendent added members of the public can make the difference in situations such as this one.

He continued: “People have asked what they can do to help.

"We continue to ask those living in the area to check there gardens and outbuildings in case Libby has taken shelter and if anyone was driving around the area between 11pm on Thursday and 3am on Friday with dashcam footage please come forward by contacting 101.”

Friends and students at the University of Hull are organising their own search party through social media, sharing pictures and appeals online. 

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The family of Libby said this is 'very out of character' for the 'caring' young woman (Image: NC)

Amelia, one of Libby’s friends, wrote on Twitter: “URGENT: I am LIBBY SQUIRE’S best friend - we have organised a search party for her - meeting at student union building on campus at 1500 - please retweet or post to raise awareness!”

Another friend, whose social media nickname is ‘wizz’, wrote: “My friend has gone missing after getting in a taxi outside of the welly in hull at 1130 last night.

“Absolutely no contact since then. If anyone knows anything or has seen anything please contact me or the police. Thank you!!”

Libby, who is 5ft7ins tall and has long dark brown hair, was wearing a black leather jacket, black long sleeved top and a black denim skirt with lace last time she was seen.     

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