Christmas Day bingo 2018: 'Who ate all the brie?' - Top 25 phrases you'll hear today

CHRISTMAS is just around the corner and many will be preparing for a day of eating, drinking and spending time with family. During the day there are some common phrases we all say and, surprise, surprise, they’re mostly related to food.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Eamonn Holmes makes CRUDE joke about Ruth's festive jumper

Christmas is a time for tradition, slouching around in your pyjamas and eating plenty of food. Drinks are drunk, presents exchanged and arguments had over who should do the washing up. Creatures of habit, there are some phrases which we all say during the day and Express brings you the top 25 phrases you'll hear on the big day.

Galabingo surveyed more than 2,000 UK adults to find out what their most commonly used phrases were on Christmas Day.

Number one on the list is of course, “Merry Christmas”, with 35 percent saying they use the greeting on Christmas day.

Second at 30 percent is the obligatory “I’m absolutely stuffed” for when Christmas dinner has been eaten. 

“What time’s dinner” (26 percent), “Who wants a mince pie?”(14 percent) and “How many pigs in blankets can I have?” (13 percent) are also food related phrases commonly said on the big day.

Read More: Which Christmas traditions are going out of style?

Christmas Day Bingo

Christmas Day Bingo: How many of these phrases do you and your family say? (Image: GETTY)

Other non-food related phrases are "I've kept the receipt" (11 percent), "When's the Queen on?" (eight percent) and "You shouldn't have" (eight percent). 

Here is the list of the top phrases used on Christmas Day:

1. Merry Christmas (35 percent)
2. I’m absolutely stuffed (30 percent)
3. What time’s dinner? (26 percent)
4. Well... it is Christmas (21 percent)
5. Who wants a drink? (pre 12pm) (20 percent)

Christmas Day bingo

Christmas Day bingo: Number two on the list is "I'm absolutely stuffed" (Image: GETTY)

6. I wonder what this is (whilst shaking a really obvious gift) (16 percent)
7. Will you pull my cracker? (15 percent)
8. Who wants a mince pie? (14 percent)
9. How many pigs in blankets can I have? (13 percent)
10. Pass the Quality Streets (12 percent)
11. It’s ok to have chocolate for breakfast, yeh? (12 percent)
12. It's too hot in this house! (12 percent)
13. I’ve kept the receipt (11 percent)
14. I couldn’t eat another bite… oooo cheese! (11 percent)
15. I need to undo my belt (10 percent)

Christmas Day bingo

Christmas Day bingo: Number seven is "Will you pull my cracker?" (Image: GETTY)

16. You shouldn’t have (eight percent)
17. When’s the Queen on? (eight percent)
18. Let’s crack open the Bucks Fizz (seven percent)
19. When’s the turkey going in? (seven percent)
20. Santa’s been kind to you (seven percent)
21. It’s not Christmas without a family argument (six percent)
22. Why do none of these batteries work? (five percent)
23. I want never gets! (five percent)
24. I dare you to eat a sprout (four percent)
25. Who ate all the brie? (three percent)

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